
  • 网络Labrador Retriever;labrador
  1. 她也喜欢狗,家里还养着一只长毛贵宾狗和一只拉布拉多猎犬。

    She likes dogs , too , and keeps a poodle and a Labrador retriever at home . [ 9 ]

  2. 兽医转了转眼珠子,转过身,走出了房间,几分钟后带进来一条黑色的拉布拉多猎犬。

    The vet rolled his eyes , turned around , left the room , and returned a few moments later with a black Labrador Retriever .

  3. 上周四,美国电影联合会公布了反盗版战争中的最新“武器”:两只能够嗅出DVD光碟、分别名为“拉基”和“弗洛”的拉布拉多猎犬。

    The Motion Picture Association of America on Thursday unveiled its latest tool in the war on movie piracy : a pair of DVD-sniffing Labrador Retrievers named Lucky and Flo .

  4. 拉布拉多猎犬因它们生性平和而成为优良的导盲犬。

    Labradors make good guide dogs because of their calm temperament .

  5. 除了那只黄色的拉布拉多猎犬,没有人可以交流。

    I had no one to interact with except my yellow Labrador .

  6. 它的妈妈是拉布拉多猎犬。

    His mother is a Labrador .

  7. 拉布拉多猎犬对人有许多吸引力,它的文雅行为、聪明和适应力使它成为理想的犬种。

    The Labrador has much that appeals to people ; his gentle ways , intelligence and adaptability make him an ideal dog .

  8. 这条拉布拉多猎犬是塔米尔森生命中如此重要的一部分因此他的朋友们和圣地亚哥的家人们把这条狗叫做他儿子。

    The Labrador retriever was such an important part of Tumilson 's life that the friends and family of the San Diego resident called the dog his sone .

  9. 据该公司介绍,接受克隆的是一只六岁半的黑色拉布拉多猎犬“马琳”,这只猎犬被认为具有很强的癌症嗅探能力。

    The puppies are clones of a six-and-a-half-year-old black Labrador retriever named Marine , which is thought to have a well-honed sense for detecting cancer , RNL Bio said .

  10. 今天的狗狗消息要谈论的是一只非常特殊的狗,它的名字叫奇多,是一只九岁的来自旧金山的拉布拉多猎犬,非常的可爱。

    For today 's dog news , we 're talking about a very special dog , one by the name of Cheeto . He 's a nine-year-old Labrador Retriever Mix from San Francisco , and he 's cute-as-a-button .

  11. 救生犬学校接受任何犬种,但它们的体重至少要达到30千克(66磅)。不过拉布拉多猎犬、纽芬兰犬和金毛寻回犬是最常见的救生犬种,因为它们水性较好。

    The school will train any breed , as long as they weigh at least 30 kg ( 66 pounds ) , but Labradors , Newfoundlands and golden retrievers are most commonly used because of their natural instinct for swimming .

  12. 纯种狗中以拉布拉多寻物猎犬居多,其次是美洲斗牛犬、施犬和德国牧羊犬。

    More Labrador retrievers were licensed than any other breed , followed by pit bulls , Shih Tzus and German Shepherds .

  13. 在这个拥有1300多万盲人的国家,拉布拉多黑毛猎犬珍妮,是为数不多的导盲犬中的第18只。

    In a country with about 13 million blind citizens , Jenny , a black Labrador retriever , is only the 18th guide dog .

  14. 和他的妻子Debbie一起经营这家公司的CEOSimonTopman,告诉这对夫妇,“是的,你的外祖母给她的拉布拉多犬和猎犬用到的,不会给你的西班牙猎犬。”

    Chief Executive Simon Topman , who runs the business with his wife Debbie , told the couple , " Yes , your grandmother would use something that is great for her labradors and retrievers but wouldn 't be for your spaniel . " Silversmith Ray Stone , who plates and polishes commemorative items , including a