
fú xiǎo
  • dawn;before dawn;daybreak;cockcrow;foredawn
拂晓 [fú xiǎo]
  • (1) [daybreak]∶天快亮的时候

  • (2) [before dawn]∶紧连黎明前的时间

拂晓[fú xiǎo]
  1. 我们在拂晓时驶入了上海港。

    At daybreak we sailed into the Harbour of Shanghai .

  2. 拂晓时部队投入战斗。

    At daybreak the troops went into action , ie started fighting .

  3. 军队在拂晓时向这座城镇发动攻击。

    At dawn the army attacked the town .

  4. 士兵在拂晓时分攻进城里。

    Soldiers stormed into the city at dawn .

  5. 第二天拂晓时,天色阴沉昏暗。

    The next day dawned sombre and gloomy .

  6. 拂晓时分南希醒了。

    Nancy woke at dawn .

  7. 拂晓时敌人向我阵线开了火。

    The enemy opened fire on our lines at early dawn .

  8. 师长令我们在拂晓前发起攻击。

    The division commander ordered that we start the attack before dawn .

  9. 他命令军队拂晓侵入该国。

    He ordered the army to invade the country at dawn .

  10. 我们于拂晓向敌人发起进攻。

    We opened fire at the enemy at dawn .

  11. 拂晓前,部队开拔了。

    The troops set out before dawn .

  12. 他们在拂晓时开始进攻。

    Their attack came at dawn .

  13. 他命令军队在拂晓入侵。

    He ordered the army to invade at dawn .

  14. 拂晓我们突破了城墙的铁丝网

    At dawn we broke through the barbed wire entanglements under the city wall .

  15. 十一月的某一天黎明拂晓之际,我去沃尔玛超市(Wal-Mart)观察一下美国梦的阴暗面,回家的时候,带回了圣诞节的彩灯。

    I went to Wal-Mart the other day to gaze on the dark side of the American dream-and I came home with Christmas lights .

  16. 她是在与英国外交大臣戴维·米利班德(DavidMiliband)会晤后发表上述讲话的。此前,巴基斯坦陆军突击队经过一场惊心动魄的拂晓前突袭,已重新获得了该基地的控制权。

    Her comments , after a meeting with UK foreign secretary David Miliband , came as army commandoes regained control of the base in a dramatic pre-dawn raid .

  17. 今年2月份,通过对力拓股票发动“拂晓前的大胆突袭”而在交易桌上获得一席之位的中国矿业公司中国铝业(chinalco),将会扮演关键角色。

    Chinalco , the Chinese miner that bought a seat at the dealmaking table in February with an audacious dawn raid of Rio shares , will play a key role .

  18. 2008年,中铝曾花费140亿美元与美国铝业(alcoa)联手对力拓股票发起轰动一时的“拂晓突袭”,试图阻止必和必拓的收购企图。

    Chinalco famously made a dawn raid on Rio Tinto shares in 2008 , spending $ 14bn in a joint exercise with Alcoa to block takeover efforts by BHP .

  19. 赞比西河独木舟,赞比亚1997年ChrisJohns摄拂晓的光芒照亮了一条穿过非洲赞比西河的道路,赞比亚的村民象往常一样上路——在一个独木舟中。

    June 20 , 2001 Zambezi River Canoe , Zambia , 1997 Photograph by Chris Johns " The fire of dawn lights a path across Africa 's Zambezi River , where villagers in Zambia travel as they always have - in a dugout canoe .

  20. 加沙居民称,在周日拂晓前,在加沙城以北的BeitLahiya小城看到了以军,激烈的战斗声响彻城市东区。

    Gaza residents said troops were seen before dawn Sunday in the town of Beit Lahiya , north of Gaza City , and the sound of intense fighting could be heard just east of the city .

  21. 我们拂晓起航,直接向青岛开去。

    We weighed anchor at dawn and headed straight for Qingdao .

  22. 他们已按战斗日程在拂晓时分袭击了这个岛屿。

    They had struck the island at dawn , on schedule .

  23. 在拂晓前,或拂晓时,这是容易办到的。

    This is easy to do before daylight or at daylight .

  24. 整个晚上她都睡得不安稳,拂晓前就起床了。

    She slept fitfully throughout the night and arose before dawn .

  25. 就在拂晓前5点,我们松开了缆绳。

    We cast off at five , just before day break .

  26. 医疗队在拂晓出发。

    The medicine team set off during the day break .

  27. 一个打呵欠的人在拂晓躺在草地上。

    A yawning man is lying on a lawn in the dawn .

  28. 侦缉人员于拂晓时(对那所房子)进行了突然搜查。

    Detectives swooped ( on the house ) at dawn .

  29. 开刚拂晓,他们就出发了。

    They set out at the first light of dawn .

  30. 她在倦怠的拂晓面纱前抬起双眼。

    Roses her eyes on the weary veil of Dawn .