
tái tóu wén
  • wrinkles on one's forehead
抬头纹 [tái tóu wén]
  • [wrinkles on one's forehead] 额上的皱纹

抬头纹[tái tóu wén]
  1. 适用:各种表情纹:如川字纹、抬头纹、眼尾纹、法令纹,皮肤松驰、下垂等。

    Availability : Various expression wrinkles such as forehead wrinkles , canthus wrinkles , droopy skin etc.

  2. 显的抬头纹,表明她已经三十多岁了。她的腰很细。而且,她的两只手都有疤痕。

    Lines are visible on her forehead , revealing that she is in her late thirties . She has a small waist . She has scarred hands .

  3. 试想一下,那些引起抬头纹的肌肉运动能被阻止的话,你就也能拥有像妮可·基德曼那样的皮肤了。

    Well , if the muscles that cause those frown lines on your forehead could be prevented from moving , you too , could have skin like Nicole Kidman 's.