
  • 网络In Treatment;InTreatment;G abriel Byrne
  1. 特里姆是一个剧作家,也是《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)的编剧。她与哈盖·列维(HagaiLevi)共同创作了《婚外情》,二人也在HBO剧集《扪心问诊》(InTreatment)中有过合作。

    Treem , a playwright and " House of Cards " writer , created " The Affair " with Hagai Levi , with whom she also worked on HBO 's " In Treatment . "

  2. 即使比不上HBO最有名的热播剧&《黑道家族》,但无论编剧还是表演,都非常优秀。《扪心问诊》第二季将在2009年开播。

    Very well acted and written , if not quite to the stellar standards set by The Sopranos , HBO 's most famous show , its second season is set to air sometime in2009 .

  3. 根据以色列热播剧改编的《扪心问诊》属于“医生,先治好你自己吧”这种类型的剧作,剧中精神治疗师自己的精神健康与他的家庭生活乱得一塌糊涂。

    Originally based on a hit Israeli program , it rests very much in the'Physician , heal thyself'category , with the therapist 's own mental health and family life all rather messed up .