
fēi yè
  • title page;flyleaf;end paper
扉页 [fēi yè]
  • [title page] 紧挨衬页、位于图书卷首或卷尾的空白页

扉页[fēi yè]
  1. 她停下来看扉页上的,题词。

    She stopped to read the inscription on the flyleaf .

  2. 在扉页上题字是送给我的。

    On the flyleaf was an inscription to me .

  3. 所有撰稿人的姓名均刊登在扉页上。

    All the contributors are credited on the title page .

  4. 检查一下外观,保证有扉页和合适的版式。

    Check the presentation . Get it properly laid out with a title page .

  5. 他拿起集邮簿,翻到扉页。

    He took up the stamp album and opened it at the fly leaf .

  6. B:标题,页数包括扉页、双方的电话号和传真号。

    B : The title , total pages including the cover page , and telephone and fax numbers of each party .

  7. 在印刷文本扉页上首先出现视频广告的出版物,是美国杂志“娱乐周刊(EntertainmentWeekly)”。

    The first video advert inside a print title has been published inside the American magazine Entertainment Weekly .

  8. 在扉页上你都看到了什么?

    What do you see on the title page ?

  9. 该书扉页上的评论说她的诗歌可以引起读者心灵的共鸣。

    The jacket flyleaf said her poems strike a responsive chord with readers .

  10. 扉页上有作者的按语。

    The author 's notes are on the flyleaf .

  11. 卷首插图:和扉页照面的页上插图。

    Frontispiece : Illustration on the page facing the title page of a book .

  12. 书的扉页上印有作者的全名。

    The writer 's full name appears on the title page of the book .

  13. 扉页上的大字标题为的是吸引你注意里面的详细内容。

    A headline on the front page draws attention to the fuller story inside .

  14. 扉页是指在书籍封面或衬页之后、正文之前的一页。

    Refers to the title-page book cover or lining page , body of a page before .

  15. 世界是一本书,不旅行的人只读到了它的扉页。

    The World is a book , and those who do not travel read only a page .

  16. 他那副样子就象我们在古旧的经书扉页上看到的黑色木刻肖像;

    He looked like the darkly engraved portraits which we see prefixed to old volumes of sermons ;

  17. 他论文的扉页上有一句话:纪念我亲爱的妈妈。

    On the flyleaf of his thesis is a line : To the memory of my dear mother .

  18. 一本袖珍版的卜迦丘的小说《十日谈》,扉页上写着约瑟夫·斯坦节逊的名字。

    Pocket edition of Boccaccio 's ' Decameron , ' with name of Joseph Stangerson upon the flyleaf .

  19. 书前扉页上写着'古列米·怀特藏书',墨水早已褪了色。

    On the flyleaf , in very faded ink , is written ' Ex libris Guliolmi Whyte . '

  20. A:我要发个传真,你有带公司标志的传真扉页吗?

    A : I need to send a fax . Do you have a cover page with company logo ?

  21. 还记得吧,几乎所有出版的网络小说都要在扉页上注明论坛点击率。

    Still remember it , almost all the novels published in the network should be specified in Feiye Forum CTR .

  22. 在这里公开的指南针盘面和在书扉页上的盘面一样。

    The compass card available here is the original of an identical card that graces the title page of the book .

  23. 书的扉页上有我母亲的笔迹,用黑墨水写着她的名字。但那姓氏并不是她现在的姓氏,也不是她未婚前的姓氏。

    There , on the inside of the front cover , in her handwriting , was her name inscribed in black ink .

  24. 但是,当他听说拿破仑宣布自己为皇帝时,立刻撕去了写着献辞的扉页。

    But the moment he heard that Napoleon had declared himself Emperor , he tore out the dedication on the title page .

  25. 美国国会图书馆号码:美国国会图书馆采用的书目资料分类方法。号码印于扉页背面。

    Library of Congress number : USA system for bibliographical data . The number is printed on the back of the title-page .

  26. 打开新生活的书,在扉页上端端正正地写上真正的自己。

    Open the book that will record your new life , and write down seriously from the tile page you real success in life .

  27. 扉页上写着这样的标题:“我的誓言”。他写下了这样的话语:“美国必须赢得这场战争。

    On the flyleaf under the heading , " My Pledge , " he had written these words : " America must win this war .

  28. 胡同曾经是北京唯一的民居形式,北京的胡同就象密密麻麻的血管扉页在城市的每个角落。

    Beijing Hutong was the only form of residential areas , Beijing 's Hutong as densely vascular title page in every corner of the city .

  29. 二者皆在香港出版,但被影印复制,扉页盖上一个「内部阅读」的印章。

    Both were originally Hong Kong publications , but photographed and reprinted , with the fly-leaf bearing a stamp that says : For Internal Reading Only .

  30. 审查顺序:求职信,扉页,关键词和抽象插图,文字,确认,引用,表格,图例。

    Review the sequence : covering letter , title page , key words and abstract , text , acknowledgments , references , tables , legends for illustrations .