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  • 网络crowning;Kahmuri
  1. PCNA的表达,不表明戴冠牙龈组织有异常增殖。

    The expression of PCNA protein can not indicate the gray gingiva tissue to be dysplasia .

  2. 结果:戴冠前牙根管倒充填术成功率为93.75%,常规根充术90.74%。

    Results : The success rate was 93.75 % for retrograde filling and 90.74 % for conventional root canal filling ;

  3. 西夏僧侣阶层戴冠与否,戴冠的场合和式样受时代、地区、民族、乃至季节的影响而变化的,并不是严格按照身份地位的高低而规定的。

    It is the time , region , nation and even season that determines the Tangut monks wear the crown or not , when to wear it and what style of crown to wear , but not the strictly required by their position .

  4. PCNA在兔戴实验冠后牙龈组织中的表达

    Expression of PCNA in gingiva tissue of the hare wearing experiment crows

  5. 其实,你们为什么不都戴上头冠呢?

    In fact , why don 't you all take tiaras ?

  6. 赫拉是描述戴头饰冠,并拥有皇室在她手中的权杖和的杯子。

    Hera is depicted wearing a tiara-crown and holds a royal sceptre and cup in her hands .

  7. 你在生日派对上给她惊喜,tiara:冠状头饰把她戴饰冠的样子印到蛋糕上去?

    You threw her a surprise birthday party and had her face painted on a cake with a tiara ? -

  8. 专家认为,虽然这可能是真的,但其实没有证据表明海盗曾经戴唐冠螺。

    While this may well be true , experts say there is actually no evidence to suggest that Vikings ever wore horned helmets .

  9. 不同于头戴荆冠、钉在十字架上的。荆棘冠冕是真荆棘编的,钉在圣灵头上。

    Not like Ecce Homo , crown of thorns and cross . The crown of thorns was made of real thorns , and was nailed to the sacred head .

  10. 它头上戴着红冠,非常文雅。

    It has a red cockscomb on its head and looks very elegant .

  11. 结果患者在戴用暂时冠桥后对其在美观、舒适、功能等方面的综合满意率为87.5%。

    Results When the patient took the temporary crown bridge , the satisfied rate was 87.5 % in its outlook , comfort and function .

  12. 中国宁波――几十个梦想成为中国下一个音乐明星的孩子凝视着台上那个庞然大物;女孩们戴着头冠,男孩们身穿礼服。

    NINGBO , China - Dozens of girls in tiaras and boys in tuxedos who dreamed of becoming China 's next musical sensation stared at the beast on stage .

  13. 缸套内壁耐磨涂层质量的声发射检测方法研究氮化钛涂层对循环摘戴后套筒冠固位力的影响

    Measuring Quality of Wear-Resistant Coating on the Cylinder Liner Based on Acoustic Emission Technology The effect of TiN coating on retention of conus telescopic crowns after repeated insertion / separation tests

  14. 亨利背着一身赌债。在万年寺肉身殿中,供奉有明代无瑕和尚肉身木乃伊一尊,他头戴莲花宝冠,身披朱红轻裟。

    Henry is over his head in gambling debts . In the Corporeal Body Hall of Wannian Temple is the mummy of monk Wu Xia , wearing a lotus-flower-shaped crown and a vermilion kasaya .

  15. 米德尔顿女士头戴三重冠并罩有面纱,手持来一小把花束,其中含有来自山谷的百合,典礼结束后,她将把它放在无名战士墓上。

    Middleton wore a veil held in place by a tiara and held a small bouquet containing lily of the valley , which she will place on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier after the ceremony .

  16. 他是唯一一个戴着这种头冠的骑士是吗。

    And he is the only knight ever drove kind in such crest .

  17. 他得摆好戴着月桂花冠的姿势。

    He had to pose wearing a laurel wreath .

  18. 80%以上的患者对各自所戴用的套筒冠义齿表示满意;

    More than 80 % of the patients are satisfied with their telescopic dentures .

  19. 好像是戴着帽子或者冠,特别是特定类型的帽子或者冠。

    Covered as if with a cap or crown especially of a specified kind .

  20. 尼古拉斯成了俄罗斯人的守护神,在那里,他以身披红斗篷,留着飘逸的白胡须,戴着主教法冠而闻名。

    St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia , where he was famous for his red cape , flowing white beard , and bishop 's mitre .