
  • 网络chronic urethritis
  1. 聚维酮碘液尿道灌注治疗慢性尿道炎合并前列腺炎

    Efficacy of urethra perfusion with povidone iodine liquid in treatment of patients with chronic urethritis and prostatitis

  2. 本文就PCR检测男性慢性淋病性尿道炎及前列腺炎的价值进行初步讨论。

    The effects of PCR in the diagnosis for chronic gonococcal urethritis and prostatitis were discussed .

  3. 对36例急、慢性淋病性尿道炎、宫颈炎及合并前列腺炎、精囊炎、附睾炎等患者采用中西医结合的治疗方法,经1~4周的治疗,36例患者全部治愈。

    36 cases of acute and chronic gonorrheal urethritis , gonorrheal cervicitis , and gonorrhoea complicated with prostatitis , spermatocystitis and epididymitis , were treated with combined traditional Chinese and western medicine . The patients were all cured within about 1-4 weeks .

  4. 目的:了解慢性淋球菌性尿道炎(CGU)患者抑郁情绪的发生情况。

    Objective : To determine the frequency of depressive moods in chronic gonococcal urethritis ( CGU ) patients .