
jù nèi
  • henpecked
惧内 [jù nèi]
  • [henpecked] 古时称妻子为内人。丈夫惧怕妻子便叫惧内。即怕老婆

惧内[jù nèi]
  1. 他是一个粗暴而惧内的男人。

    He is a man rude but henpecked .

  2. 在唐代社会,士大夫惧内是一个值得关注的现象。

    It is a notable phenomenon that scholar-bureaucrats henpecked in the Tang dynasty , Whose formation has deep social reasons .

  3. 他似乎有点惧内。

    He seems slightly in awe of his own wife .

  4. 你惧内可不是我的问题。

    It 's not my problem you 're afraid of your wife .

  5. 因妒风盛行引发的社会问题,如丈夫惧内、妇女干政等,在小说中亦有如实反映。

    Many social problems caused due to the jealousy in vogue , such as the husband henpecked , women do politics .

  6. 惧内现象昭示着男权文化的式微及妇道教化的失败,也体现了妇女对低下社会地位的不满,对一夫多妻制的反抗。

    The henpecked phenomena show clearly the failure of sexism and reveal plainly women 's dissatisfaction of their humble social position and their resistance to polygamy .

  7. 上海:调查发现,虽然上海男人以惧内著称,但将近十分之一的家庭仍存在家庭暴力问题。

    Shanghai : nearly one out of10 families has domestic violence problems in shanghai , though Shanghai men have a reputation for being henpecked , a survey has found .
