
  1. 因此一种新的Web设计方式Ajax悄然兴起。

    So , a new design for Web-Ajax appeared recently .

  2. 悄然兴起的美容手术感觉象B级片,人们开始不寻常了。

    The silent rise of cosmetic surgery feels like a B-movie in which everyone starts out normal .

  3. 在以太网进军传统控制领域的同时,嵌入式Web技术正悄然兴起。

    When Ethernet makes its way to the traditional control area , the technology named Embedded Web makes a figure in the information world .

  4. 随着移动Agent技术的发展,一种以移动Agent为中介的电子商务技术悄然兴起。

    With the development of Mobile Agent Technology , Electronic Commerce Technology in which Agent takes the role of medium is becoming popular recently .

  5. 在日用陶瓷设计领域,计算机辅助设计(CAD)之风也悄然兴起。

    In the field of daily pottery design , the wind of Computer Aid Design ( CAD ) quietly rises up too .

  6. 随着3D影视动漫产业的日渐繁荣,3D技术应用浪潮正在互联网中悄然兴起。

    Along with the gradual flourishes in3D movie & TV and animation industry , the application tide of3D technology in Internet is springing up .

  7. 随着对外直接投资的进一步发展,发展中国家向发达国家的FDI流动以及发展中国家之间的相互投资也悄然兴起,并保持强劲的发展势头,仅亚洲发展中国家2001年的对外直接投资就高达810亿美元。

    As the further development of FDI , that of developing country to developed country and the FDI between two developing countries are booming .

  8. 博客是继电子邮件、BBS和ICQ之后,近年来悄然兴起的一种新的网络交流形式。

    Blog is a new Net Communication mode after E-mail 、 BBS and ICQ .

  9. 在此基础上,20世纪80年代行为金融悄然兴起并动摇EMH和CAPM的权威地位。

    Under this environment behavioral finance rose quietly in the 20th century and vibrated the authoritative status of EMH and CAPM .

  10. 例如,在消费领域,一个名为OpenSocial的标准悄然兴起。

    For example , in the consumer space , a standard called OpenSocial has emerged .

  11. 我国即将加入WTO,知识经济也在全世界范围内悄然兴起,科学技术对社会经济的发展和国家综合实力的增强所起的作用越来越大。

    With China 's entry into the WTO and the advent of knowledge economy , science and technology will play a more and more important role in the development of social economy and in the promotion of comprehensive national strength .

  12. 在这种社会环境条件的要求下,ERP(EnterpriseResourcePlanning企业资源计划)的管理思想和软件在我国悄然兴起并迅速传播,ERP成为当今企业的热点话题之一。

    Under the requirement for this kind of social environment condition , the management thought and software of ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) rise quietly in our country and spread rapidly , ERP becomes one of the hot topics of current enterprises .

  13. 住房抵押贷款证券化(Mortgage-backedSecuritization,MBS)自美国悄然兴起后成为二十世纪八十年代以来金融发展的三大趋势之一。

    After the rising of the securitization of residential mortgage loan in the United States , the Residential Mortgage - Backed Securitization ( MBS ) has become one of the three major financial development trends .

  14. 以手机、PDA等移动终端设备为标志的、基于移动通信技术与互联网技术的移动学习方式悄然兴起,移动学习以其随时随地进行学习的便利性,满足了人们终身学习和泛在学习的需求。

    Mobile learning is quietly rising which use mobile phone , PDA and other mobile device , based on the mobile communication technology and Internet technology . With its convenience of people can learning anytime and anywhere , Mobile learning meets the demand for lifelong learning and ubiquitous learning .

  15. 分子农业正在世界各地悄然兴起

    Molecule agriculture is rising quietly in all parts of the world

  16. 进入21世纪,乡村旅游在我国已经悄然兴起。

    Country tourism has been rising quietly since the 21st century .

  17. 在现时的中国教育中创业教育也已经悄然兴起。

    At present Chinese education in entrepreneurship education has been quietly rising .

  18. 皮艺饰品&悄然兴起的家居时尚

    Leather Ornaments - A Home Fashion Coming On the Quiet

  19. 二手设备市场悄然兴起

    To Rise Quietly in the Second - Hand Equipment Market

  20. 鼠尾藻的人工育苗及养殖技术正在各地悄然兴起。

    The artificial breeding and culture technology of S.thunbergii is gradually rising .

  21. 在这一新兴竞争模式的呼唤下,旅行社的网络营销模式也悄然兴起。

    Under the new circumstance , E-marketing of travel agencies has emerged .

  22. 开发区&山西悄然兴起的新经济增长点

    Development Zone & A Quietly Newly Emerged Economic Extended District in Shanxi

  23. 21世纪,知识经济作为一种崭新的经济形态正在悄然兴起。

    Knowledge-economy is rising energetically as a new economy form in 21 century .

  24. 网上语言学习作为一种时新学习趋势正在悄然兴起。

    Online language learning has emerged as an updated learning trend for the web-based learners .

  25. 悄然兴起的无线光通信

    By Quietly Rising of Free Space Optical

  26. 网络文学正悄然兴起。

    Nowadays net literature is rising quietly .

  27. 美容专业线在发展中悄然兴起

    Chinese beauty-culture specialized line is rising stealthily

  28. 悄然兴起的企业行为财务学

    Enterprises ' Behavioral Finance is booming Silently

  29. 近年来“生物天然气”产业正在欧盟国家悄然兴起。

    In recent years , the biogenic gas industry is sprouting in European Union countries .

  30. 二十世纪九十年代,一场关于政府管理体制的改革在西方国家悄然兴起。

    In 1990s , the reform of government administration system has sprung up in western countries .
