
hénɡ wēn xiānɡ
  • incubator
  1. 由于恒温箱温度控制系统具有大时滞和非线性特性,常规PID控制参数难以整定。

    As the incubator temperature control system with large time delay and nonlinearity , conventional PID control parameters tuning difficult .

  2. QH-1型便携式大气采样电子恒温箱的研制

    Preparation of QH-1 Type Portable Atmosphere Sampling Electronic Incubator

  3. H∞优化控制的恒温箱温度控制应用研究

    H_ ∞ control application research on temperature control in calorstat

  4. 恒温箱温度的H∞优化控制

    A Temperature Control in Calorstat Based on H_ ∞ Control

  5. 低温恒温箱测控系统的接口设计与PID调节

    Interface design and PID adjustment of low temperature and constant temperature box test and control system

  6. FRP(玻璃钢)恒温箱研究

    Research of fiber glass reinforced plastics thermostated container

  7. 经过24h浸泡和30℃恒温箱3d发芽的方法,很容易就区分出弱休眠与强休眠品种。

    It was easy to discriminate weak and heavy dormant varieties after soaked 24h and germinate in incubator at 30 C for 3 days .

  8. 应用ZC-36型高阻计测量箱中的圆盘电极改装入恒温箱中,采用高阻计低压法测量出粉尘的绝缘电阻R,再经计算得出粉尘的比电阻ρ。

    Plate electrode of ZC 36 type high resistance meter is put into thermo tank . The insulation resistance of dust is measured with high resistance low voltage , and then the specific resistance is calculated .

  9. 实验证明,未经杀菌处理年糕在37℃恒温箱中贮藏4d后细菌和真菌数量显著增加,菌落形态观察表明菌系较复杂。

    Experiment showed that the number of bacteria and fungi increased significantly in rice pastry without sterilization management in 37 ℃ constant temperature during 4 days storage .

  10. 将聚碘树脂复合消毒剂密封包装置54℃恒温箱保存14d后,其有效碘平均下降率为0.57%。

    The available iodine of the iodinated resin compound disinfectant in air-tight packing decreased by 0.57 % in average after storing in 54 ℃ thermostat for 14 days .

  11. 生药材的最佳水解条件是:在39℃恒温箱中发酵72h,加硫酸至5%,90℃水浴中常压水解6h。

    The optimum hydrolytic condition for crude drug was : zymolysis at 39 ℃ for 72 hours , hydrolysis at 90 ℃ with 5 % sulfuric acid for 6 hours under natural pressure ;

  12. FRP恒温箱是石油工业测井用感应加温调校检测装置的主体件,其内装仪器、仪表的最高使用温度为250℃,技术要求严格。

    FRP ( Fiber Reinforced Plastics ) thermostated container is a master device of induction-heating-timing-detection unit which is used in well logging in oil industry , and the highest using temperature of the instuments and meters of inside are only 250 ℃ and the strict technicals are required .

  13. 将每个正方形试样放入装有7mL人工唾液的塑料瓶中,然后放入37℃恒温箱,每天更换人工唾液。

    Each cuboid sample was stored in a plastic vials containing 7 mL of artificial saliva at 37 ℃ . The artificial saliva were changed every day .

  14. 一种数字式恒温箱温场测试仪

    A Kind of Digital Constant Temperature Box Temperature Ground Testing Apparatus

  15. 两款恒温箱的气流组织模拟与实验验证

    Simulation and Verification on Air Distribution of Two Sizes of Thermostat

  16. 伺服台台面与恒温箱间的隔热方法

    Insulating Method Between Surface of Servo Turn - Table and Thermostatic Box

  17. 这是许多恒温箱的基本工作原理。

    This is the basic operating principle of many thermostats .

  18. 校准恒温箱温度偏差和测量结果的不确定度分析

    Thermostatic Temperature Deviations Box Calibration Uncertainty and Measurements for Analysis

  19. 小型制冷恒温箱的研制及试验研究

    The development and experimental investigation of the miniature refrigeration thermotank

  20. 恒温箱温度:30℃;

    The constant temperature a temperature : 30 ℃ s ;

  21. 最后针对已建立恒温箱系统利用不同的控制策略进行了实验研究。

    The different tactics are applied in the constant temperature box control system .

  22. 环境监测系统中恒温箱的研究与设计

    Study and Design of Thermostat in Environmental Monitoring System

  23. 恒温箱控制系统的硬件设计

    The hardware design of keep temperature control box system

  24. 恒温箱栽培对豌豆芽苗菜产量及营养成分的影响

    The influence of cultivation in thermostat on the yield and nutrient of pea-bud vegetable

  25. 这种充气恒温箱可以折叠,折叠后就像一只普通的旅行袋。

    The Inflated incubator is collapsible and when folded resembles an ordinary travel bag .

  26. 她被送进了医院,在那里有恒温箱而且能得到专家护理。

    She was taken to a hospital , where an incubator and expert care were available .

  27. 隔水式恒温箱和电热恒温箱内各点温度变化动态观察的比较研究

    Dynamic observation and comparative study of temperature variation points between water separation and electric heating incubators

  28. 结论母婴皮肤接触保暖法优于恒温箱保暖法。

    Conclusion the skin contact method is excelled the constant temperature cabinet method for increasing the body temperature .

  29. 方法:利用气相色谱仪高精度的加热控温功能在柱头进样器恒温箱上安装研制的U型甲烷化器。

    Methods : U methane-transformation-device ( development study ) was installed on the column injector oven of gas chromatograph .

  30. 不过这个标价50000美元的恒温箱甚至对一些医院而言也是遥不可及。

    However with a price tag of around 50000 , incubators are out of reach even for some hospitals .