  • rely on;depend on
  • 依赖,仗着:仗~。有~无恐。~才傲物。


(依赖;倚仗) rely on; depend on:

  • 有恃无恐

    secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing

  1. 总之,在他所冒的不可避免的危险中,他除了自己那训练有素的机警和不懈的谨慎以外是一无所恃的。

    In a word , the trained sagacity and untiring caution of himself were all he had to rely on , amid the critical risks he unavoidably ran .

  2. 勇不可恃,可恃者唯将令与军纪。

    Good order and discipline in any army are to be depended upon more than courage alone .

  3. 九州生气恃风雷,万马齐喑究可哀。(龚自珍《己亥杂诗》)

    Only in wind and thunder can the country show its vitality , | alas , the ten thousand horses all muted !

  4. 仔细分析不同的震级段,b值是有差异的,这与孕震体的内在恃性有关。

    By careful analysis of the different magnitude sections , b values are different , which is related with the inherent characteristic of the seismogenic body .

  5. 本文报道新快寓子导体Na2O-Y2O3-GeO2系统的多晶陶瓷的制备及其恃性。

    In this paper , preparation and characteristics of a new fast ionicconductor & a kind of multicrystal ceramics of Na_2O-Y_2O_3-GeO_2 system are reported .

  6. 在西北,运输方面直到近代也是向恃骆驼为惟一之利器。

    In the northwest camel was the only tool to transportation .

  7. 功利主义是一种与德性主义相对恃的伦理学说。

    Utilitarianism is a kind of ethical theory opposite to virtue ethics .

  8. 有生命之物仅恃自身内容这种不断地更新的过程而持续其存在。

    A vital agent only exists as this continually self-renewing process within its own limits .

  9. 四、我们尊重世界各国的恃性和特殊的传统,

    four Honoring the identity and the special heritage of each nation in the world ,

  10. 结果表明,水化硅酸钙的表面恃性与结晶程度有一定的相关性。

    The experimental results show that the surface characteristics are correlated with crystallinity of hydrated calcium silicate .

  11. 他说,以孩子为中心的家庭会让父母变得焦躁不安、身心俱疲,并让孩子索求无度、恃宠而娇。

    He says families centered on children'create anxious , exhausted parents and demanding , entitled kids . '

  12. 经过预处理之后,立即抽取水平恃征、拓朴特征和线段属性特征。

    Immediately after the preprocessing procedure , the horizontal features , topological features and segment attribution features are extracted .

  13. 虽然其他年龄代的人在年轻的时候也有恃宠而骄的现象,但新千年一代的自我中心感尤为强烈。

    Although members of other generations were considered somewhat spoiled in their youth , millennials feel an unusually strong sense of entitlement .

  14. 本文着重介绍微型计算机控制的保暖性测试仪硬件软件设计的主要电路和程序流程图,并阐述设计的原理与恃点。

    The major circuits and flow-charts of hardware and software design for micro-computer controlled heat insulation tester are presented and the designing principles and features described .

  15. 它表示:大型公司可以凭恃威胁撤出审计市场来决定监管形态,我们对此感到不安。

    We are not comfortable with a position where large firms could determine the shape of regulation by threatening to withdraw from the audit market , it says .

  16. “那焦大又恃贾珍不在家,即在家亦不好怎样他,更可以任意洒落洒落”眼泪又涌了出来,洒落在弗兰克的手上。

    Because Jia Zhen was out though he could have done nothing even if at home Jiao Da was fairly letting himself go . The tears welled up again , splashing on Frank 's hand .

  17. 他首倡恃商为国本,主张学习西方,大力发展资本主义工商业,真正揭开了批判封建传统经济思想的序幕。

    He stated that " Commerce is the basis of a country ", claimed to learn from the west and to develop capitalist business , which uncovered the preface to criticizing the feudalism traditional economic thought .

  18. 在一次面向丹麦学生代表团的讲话中,我曾经倡导仔细衡量结果,理由是许多开发支出都是为了赶时髦,所恃证据并不充分。

    I once gave a talk to a delegation of Danish students in which I advocated careful measurement of results , on the grounds that a lot of development spending is faddy and based on sketchy evidence .

  19. 湘人的和合思想、恃己思想、民本思想以及对立统一的思想因素等对他的统一战线思想的形成就起了奠基和前驱的作用。

    Such as being amiable and allied , depending on oneself , taking people as the supreme , unity of opposites and so on , these thoughts laid foundation and impelled the formation of his ideology of united front .

  20. 关于学校里孩子间恃强力弱的研究很多,社会也越来越关注这个问题,很多公众机构大力宣传如何教育自己的孩子不在学校被欺负和欺负别人。

    There is a broad body of research on the subject and it 's being discussed more and more in the media , including in public service announcements about how to teach kids to stick up for picked-on classmates .

  21. 变化的政治环境使士人群体在人格精神、心态作风等方面都发生了不同程度的变化,体现出恃才求进的士风面貌。

    The literati , to different extent , all changed in their personality and spirit , mood and style and so on in the changeable political environment , and it presented a literati spirit of attaching importance to the talent and going in for progress .