
  • 网络sexual capital;sexuality capital
  1. 建立我国区域性资本市场的构想

    The Speculation of Establishing Local Capital Market of Our Country

  2. 收缩性资本运营与我国企业发展

    Contracting Capital - operations and the Development of Our Country 's Enterprises

  3. 区域性资本市场:西部金融创新的突破口

    Regional Capital Market : A Breakthrough Point in Financial Innovation in Western China

  4. 当下,民营资本显在地成为了中国电影业的支柱性资本力量。

    Currently , private capital becomes pillar capital of China 's movie industry .

  5. 我国商业银行前瞻性资本结构模型构建与实证研究

    Establishing a Forward-Looking Capital Structure Model for Our Commercial Banks and an Empirical Study

  6. 企业收缩性资本运营的理论基础

    The Theoretical Bases for Enterprises ' Contracting Capital-operations

  7. 它认识到,银行需要的是永久性资本,而不是低价处置问题资产。

    It realised the banks needed permanent capital , not sales of dubious assets at low prices .

  8. ?1.在西方理论中,融资结构主要指权益性资本和债务性资本间的比例。

    Financing structure is the proportion of equity capital and debt capital in the western theory of economics .

  9. 民营企业中关系专用性资本对劳动契约质量、性质影响的研究

    The Study on the Effect of Quality and Character of Labor Contract on Relation-Specificity Capital in Private Enterprises

  10. 美国美林·凯勒投资集团是一家投资、融资及国际贸易为一体的跨国性资本运营机构。

    USA MERRILL-KELLER INVESTMENT GROUP is an investment , finance and international trade as one of transnational capital operating organs .

  11. 权利的相对性资本公积是由所有者共同享有的资金,属于所有者权益的范畴。

    Accumulation fund is shared by all its owners , belonging to the category of owners ' rights and interests .

  12. 中小企业融资难,从根本上说就是权益性资本缺口和债务性融资缺口问题。

    Why small and medium-sized enterprises are difficult in financing at bottom is due to the capital gap and financing gap .

  13. 媒介因其传播的工具性资本而拥有一种软权力得以与其他社会权力相抗衡。

    Due to the spread instrumental capital , the media has a soft power that can match any other social powers .

  14. 推导的数据类型包括:IT价格指数、IT生产性资本存量估算以及IT使用者成本计算。

    The data we deduced in our research including IT price index , IT productive capital stock and IT user cost .

  15. 身体作为性资本被征用时的悖谬在于,出发点是为着救赎的身体付出,却恰恰导致了灵魂的沦落。

    The paradox is that the starting point is to redeem the body , but it causes the degradation of the soul .

  16. 企业为了维持可持续成长,对专用性资本尤其是专用性人力资本的投资和重构力度日益加大。

    In order to maintain sustainable growth , enterprises emphasis on specific capital investment and reconstruction increasingly , especially for specific human capital investment .

  17. 维持性资本支出一般是审计人员所准许的、避免高额折旧费的最低支出,让资产所有者很难出现转机。

    Maintenance capex tends to be the minimum auditors allow to avoid big depreciation charges , leaving asset owners badly positioned for an upturn .

  18. 和他自己所在的律所一样,纽约顶级律所十分关注通过跨国银行进行的国际性资本市场运作。

    Top New York firms like his own , he said , are heavily focused on cross-border capital markets work alongside the major banks .

  19. 负债性资本的筹集方式主要有银行借款、发生债券、融资租赁筹资、贸易性融资等。

    The liabilities raises capitally way primarily contain bank borrow funds , take place the bond , margin leases money raising , trade margin etc.

  20. 拖延实施全面的政策响应,将进一步增加各种风险,包括货币内爆、破坏性资本外逃,以及不断蔓延的进口商品短缺。

    Delays in putting in place comprehensive policy responses will aggravate the risks of further currency implosions , disruptive capital flight , and spreading import shortages .

  21. 其一,寻求通过简单的规定来改善整个体系的运作。显而易见的办法是反周期性资本要求。

    One is to look for simple rules to improve the operation of the system as a whole , the obvious one being counter-cyclical capital requirements .

  22. 自然所提供的这些服务在价值上就相当于其生产性资本和人力资本所创造的部分国家财富。

    These services provided by nature are just as much a part of the wealth of a nation as its manufactured capital and its human capital .

  23. 资产剥离是企业的一种收缩性资本运营方式,广泛运用于调整公司产业结构和优化资源配置等方面。

    Assets stripping is a kind of corporate contracting strategy , which is widely used in adjusting industrial structure and optimize the allocation of internal resources .

  24. 通过债务性资本与替权益性资本的替换,股东总能够获得套利收益,但同时也损害了普通债权人和政府的收益,因而受到法律的限制。

    Shareholders can always seize private interest by substituting debet-offering for equity-offering , but such substitution harms ordinary debtees and government 's interest and was banned by law .

  25. 最后,基于生产性资本存量与资本服务流量转换的相关研究,我们测算了我国各类IT资本服务流的使用者成本。

    At last , based on discussion about productive capital stock and its translation to capital service flow , we calculated the user cost of IT capital service flow .

  26. 英美模式缘自于股东主权加竞争性资本市场,德日模式缘自于主银行制和法人相互持股。

    The British-American model originated from the emphasis on shareholder right and a competitive capital market , while the German-Japan model is shaped by banking dominance and legal person cross-shareholding .

  27. 其次,论述粤东地区独特的企业家资源和血缘、地缘、业缘等关系性资本在中小企业外包协作体系的形成过程中是如何发挥作用,从而降低企业的交易成本,减少交易的不确定性的。

    This paper analyses how the enterpriser resource and consanguinity , region network , industry network act in the formation of sub-contract cooperation system , and reduce the trading-cost and uncertainty .

  28. 最后本文从优化股权结构、完善董事会制度以及完善债务性资本市场等角度提出了治理盈余管理的政策建议。

    Finally , this paper raises proper recommendations to limit earnings management , such as optimizing the ownership structure , improving board of directors system as well as the debt capital market .

  29. 债券市场是资本市场的重要组成部分,债券融资作为一种直接融资方式,属于债务性资本,是企业筹集资金的重要方式之一。

    The bond market capital is an important component of the market , bond financing as a direct means of financing , a debt capital , corporate financing is an important way .

  30. 本文认为融资结构不仅包括权益性资本和债务性资本之间的比例关系,还应该包括权益性资本和债务性资本内部的关系。

    While this paper points out that the financing structure not only includes the proportion relation of equity capital and debt capital , but also includes the inner proportion of equity and debt respectively .