
xìnɡ yā yì
  • sexual inhibition
  1. 哥本哈根大学教授,电影史学家卡斯帕·提布约根(CasperTybjerg)说,19世纪的文化激进主义对维多利亚时代的性压抑持批判态度,对丹麦有着深远影响。

    The 19th century concept of cultural radicalism , with its critical attitude toward Victorian sexual restraint , has been incredibly influential , said the film historian Casper Tybjerg , a professor at the University of Copenhagen .

  2. 神经症的性压抑与心理因素的相关性研究36例神经症患者子女行为问题及其相关因素初探

    A comparative study of behavior in children of neurotic patients

  3. 李银河表示,性压抑在20世纪六七十年代时,达到了顶峰。

    But Li says sexual repression reached its peak during1960s and 1970s .

  4. 目的:研究神经症患者潜在人格与性压抑和情绪的相关性。

    Objective : To explore the correlation between sexual behavior and potential personality of neurosis patients .

  5. 究其根源,主要在于当前的通货紧缩是发生在中国渐进式增量改革进程当中的增长型通货紧缩,促其产生的主要原因是中国改革过程中的体制性压抑。

    The present deflation is a growth-oriented deflation during China 's gradually increasing reform , the major reason of which is the system constrain in the course of reform .

  6. 资料综合:①病理心理学机制:精神分析动力学理论认为即往的发育创伤经历使患者处于持续性压抑愤怒的状态,导致了后来的惊恐发作。

    DATA SYNTHESIS : ① Pathopsychological mechanism : Psychoanalysis theory believes that past traumatic experience in growth puts the patient in a persisting status of depression and anger , which leads to the latter panic attacks .

  7. 方法:对33例单眼重度弱视患儿采用配镜、遮盖主视眼、精细作业、多色光交替闪烁仪、穴位按摩、药物、后像镜及屈光性压抑等综合治疗方案。

    METHODS : 33 children with serious unilateral amblyopia were treated comprehensively by using spectacles , envelopment of dominant eye , fine occupational therapy , multiple color light flicker pleoptophor , point massage , medicine , euthyscope , and refractive penalization etc.

  8. 道德主体性的压抑,无法在内心深处去关注个体生命,个体生活。

    The suppression of the main moral , not to concern in the hearts of individual life , individual life .

  9. 古典艺术精神的产生和发展过程中逐渐形成了对文艺活动多样性的压抑。

    The process of the production of classical artistic spirit gradually becomes the containment to the versatility of literary and artistic activities .

  10. 传统的教学监控模式采用的是他控模式,即教师主导学生、教学主导学习,学生的主体地位和学习的能动性被压抑。

    Traditional teaching monitoring is conducted by others , that is to say teachers conduct students , teaching plays a leading role .

  11. 工业文明对性的压抑以不同的形式施加着:康妮在无意识中被他性无能的工业家丈夫克利夫多实施着性的压抑;

    The latter imposes suppression on sexuality in various forms : Connie is unconsciously under sexual suppression by her impotent industrialist husband Clifford ;

  12. 表现性以压抑的方式显现、以现实的性活动的方式释放、性是以升华的方式显现的作品。

    Secondly , showing sex by means of repression , releasing by taking reality of sexual activity , showing sex by means of sublimation .

  13. 由于长期以来在人才考核工作中存在的诸多问题,企业内部缺乏科学的工作平台,造成企业人才工作的模糊性和压抑感,不能为人才提供良好的激励氛围。

    Because of various problems in talent in talent check-up and lack of scientific internal mechanism , vagueness and depression in talent management cannot provide talents with favourable evironment .

  14. 中小企业战略性融资困境是在特定阶段由于融资目标与企业家控制权和治理结构等目标相冲突所引发的,它往往伴随着地区性金融压抑而产生。

    Middle-and-small sized firms ' strategic financing puzzle , usually accompanied by local financial oppression , results from inconsistency of financing goal with entrepreneurs ' control rights , governance structures , etc.

  15. 但诞生于工业社会基础上的理性官僚制在进入后工业社会和信息时代时,显示出许多的不适应性,特别是低效率、封闭性和压抑人性等问题长期受到理论界的猛烈批判。

    The rational bureaucracy system based on industrial society has become unsuitable to the Industrial Society and the Information Age and suffered various criticisms such as low efficiency , closeness and suppressing human nature , etc.

  16. 金融二元性与金融压抑是发展经济体中常见的问题。

    Financial dualism and financial depression are often found in developing economies .

  17. 把儿童作为常规教育的客体,其主动性受到了压抑,主体性近乎丧失。

    Taking children as the object of conventional education leads to the constrained initiative and loss of subjectivity .

  18. “迟暮的女同性恋”指的就是本是同性恋的女人将本应早些显露的性取向一直压抑,在成熟乃至更迟些的人生阶段才表现出来么?

    ' Late-life lesbians'are just women who were attracted to women all along but were too repressed to come out earlier , right ?

  19. 我相信造成这种爆炸性增长的压抑和自杀的一个重要的,不是唯一的,但是是重要的因素,

    I believe a significant -- not the only , but a significant -- contributor to this explosion of depression , and also suicide ,

  20. 鲍照意象的丰富性和政治压抑造成的表达方式的含蓄性让鲍诗充满张力,具有广阔的意义生发空间。

    Bao 's imagination constrains the expression way of implicit nature and politics which makes Bao 's poems full of senility , it has the broad significance to produce the space .

  21. 原告在实现权利的过程中,不但面临对方当事人,甚至还要面临来自法官的阻力,自主性受到极大压抑。

    In the process of realization of the rights , the plaintiff not only bear the pressure from the other party , but also from the judge . His autonomy was significantly suppressed .

  22. 在普遍秩序控制下的常规生活中,儿童仅被作为常规教育的客体,其主动性受到了压抑,主体性近乎丧失,最重要的是,儿童的生活世界趋于异化。

    Under the controlling of general order , children have been seemed as an object of regular education , and their initiative has been constrained . Subjectivity nearly lost . Most important , life world of children tend to alienation .

  23. 由于考虑到怀孕期治疗安全性,怀孕期压抑通常会被忽略掉,或者在某种程度上不做治疗。

    " Depression in pregnant women often goes unrecognized and untreated in part because of concerns about the safety of treating women during pregnancy ," lead author of the guidelines , Dr.

  24. 传统教学存在的弊端根深蒂固,极大的影响了学生主体性的发挥,压抑了学生个性发展与全方面素质的养成。

    The disadvantages of traditional teaching deeply rooted , has greatly affected students play of the subjectivity , suppress the students ' individual development and all aspects of the quality of the form .

  25. 这部喜剧有大量让人尴尬的性场景、沉闷压抑的工作描述以及杜汉姆本人频频裸体出镜的画面,这在评论家和知识界种引起了轩然大波。而相对于该剧规模较小的观众群体来说,这些人所占的比例有些超常。

    The comedy , featuring lots of cringe-worthy sex , stifling jobs and frequent nude appearances by Ms. Dunham , made a big splash with critics and pundits that was disproportionate to its relatively puny viewership .

  26. 树立综合职业能力观,将其就业目标发展为创业导向,杜绝过去以行为主义心理学为基础的能力观对学生的主动性、积极性和创造性的压抑现象。

    Foster the outlook of comprehensive vocational abilities , develop the aim of employment into the guidance of enterprise , and put an end to the inhibition of initiative , activity and creativity caused by the ability outlook based on behaviorism .

  27. 维多利亚时期的一个典型特征就在于它严厉的性道德观,对性采取一种压抑的态度。

    The Victorian Era was characterized by a stern sex moral outlook and a repressive attitude toward sex .

  28. 结果:因性功能障碍及性心理异常引起的女性性压抑分别为:72/87,共159例,占门诊总数的16.66%;

    Results : Sexual inadequacy or psychosexual disorder caused female sexual depression is 72 / 87 , a total of 159 cases , occupied 16.66 % in total outpatients .

  29. 将地域文化视角转化为对话性的解构力量,反思现代性大叙事对差异性的压抑,是激活其研究潜力的关键,目前已有一些这方面的研究成果出现。

    The crux of making an active use of regional culture 's perspectives for modern literature research is to regard the angles of regional culture as a dialogue way of deconstruction so as to self-question modern grand-narratives with its lack of distinctions .

  30. 性生活质量差:乳腺疾病和性生活密切相关,女性的性压抑可以增加乳腺小叶增生与乳腺肿瘤的发病几率。

    Sexual life quality is poor : closely related mammary gland disease and sexual life , the female 's sex depresses what can increase hyperplasia of mammary gland flocculus and mammary gland tumour to come on odds .