
  • 网络DELTA;Delta Plus;DELTAK
  1. 今天一早,一枚“德尔塔”Ⅱ型火箭在卡纳维拉尔角发射升空。

    A Delta II rocket was launched from Cape Canaveral early this morning .

  2. 世界卫生组织在四月份将德尔塔毒株定性为“待观察变种”,5月11日又将该毒株定性为“须关切变种”。

    The World Health Organization designated Delta as a variant of interest in April and a variant of concern on 11 May .

  3. 科学家报告称,德尔塔毒株似乎传播力更强,而且导致更多重症。

    Scientists report that it appears to be more transmissible , as well as to cause more serious illness .

  4. 在检测出德尔塔毒株后,津巴布韦政府上周末宣布将在乌伦圭区和卡里巴区实行为期两周的局部封锁。

    The Zimbabwean government announced at the weekend a two-week localised lockdown for Hurungwe and Kariba districts after detecting the Delta variant .

  5. 根据印度和其他地区所见到的证据,德尔塔毒株似乎会引发更严重的症状,包括腹痛、恶心、呕吐、食欲不振、听力丧失和关节痛。

    It appears to cause more severe symptoms , according to evidence seen from India and elsewhere , including stomach pain , nausea pain .

  6. 总统菲利克斯·齐赛克迪表示,本国正在暴发第三轮疫情,德尔塔毒株就是元凶之一。

    The president , F é lix Tshisekedi , said the country was in the midst of a third wave driven in part by the Delta variant .

  7. 尽管卫生系统和免疫规划完善的国家对德尔塔毒株的担心与日俱增,但是最令人担忧的还是德尔塔毒株对贫穷国家的潜在影响。

    While concern is mounting in countries with well-developed health systems and vaccine programmes , most worrying is the potential impact of the Delta variant in poorer countries .

  8. 美国布朗大学公共卫生学院院长阿施施·杰哈上周将德尔塔毒株称为“迄今为止见过的传染性最强的变种毒株”。

    Ashish Jha , the dean of the Brown University 's school of public health in the US , last week called the Delta variant " the most contagious variant we 've seen so far " .

  9. 尽管世界各地的卫生部门都在收集和分享关于这一新毒株的传播数据,但是人们担心在那些监测系统不发达的发展中国家,德尔塔毒株的传播范围可能比报告的要广得多。

    While health authorities around the world are collecting and sharing data on the spread of the new variant , the fear is that in countries in the developing world with less robust monitoring systems , the Delta variant may already have spread much further than has been reported .

  10. 首先是委托加利福尼亚未来问题研究所(InstitutefortheFutureinCalifornia)进行的德尔塔扫描(DeltaScan),涵盖了科学和技术领域。

    The Delta Scan , commissioned from the Institute for the Future in California , covers science and technology .

  11. 但一年前他为了安全,转向了IBM、美林、通用汽车和德尔塔航空等蓝筹股。

    But a year ago , he dove for safety in blue-chip stocks like IBM , Merrill Lynch , General Motors , and Delta Air Lines .

  12. 结果表明,搜索化德尔塔方法能够确定最优的投资比例,在此比例下,投资组合的VaR值达到最优。

    The results show that Delta-Search Method can identify the best investment rate . Under this rate , VaR value of investment portfolio is the best .

  13. 第三章对VAR模型的计算方法进行了改进,重点介绍了随机搜索化的德尔塔正态方法和蒙特卡罗模拟法的改进;

    Chapter 3 improves the calculating method of VAR model . It introduces importantly the random searching delta-normal method and the improvement the Monte Carlo simulation method .

  14. 能够在电视上观看发射情况的观众可以看到奥德赛从德尔塔II火箭发射升空的远景。火箭的第二级上安装了两台报像机。

    Viewers who were able to watch the launch on television could see the lift-off from the perspective of Odyssey 's Delta II rocket , which had two video cameras attached to its2nd stage .

  15. 美国疾病控制与预防中心(简称CDC)警告称,“德尔塔”变种“很可能比早期版本的病毒更严重”。

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the Delta variant is " likely more severe " than earlier versions of the virus .

  16. 执行副总裁德尔塔•爱默生(DeltaEmerson)称,自实行该举措之后,公司发现工作效率和客户满意度均有所上升,同时员工的主动离职率也在下降。

    The firm has since seen gains in productivity and client satisfaction , and a drop in voluntary employee turnover , says Delta Emerson , an executive vice president for Ryan .

  17. 该卫星携带的德尔塔IV火箭发射已定于星期五,但在最后一分钟时,由于天气卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的条件在美国佛罗里达州擦洗。

    The launch of the Delta IV rocket carrying the satellite had been scheduled for Friday , but was scrubbed at the last minute due to weather conditions at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida .

  18. “猎户座”的外形与阿波罗(Apollo)锥形太空舱相近,但是体积更大,它已经搭载在了佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的德尔塔IV重型火箭上。

    Orion , which looks like a larger version of the cone-shaped Apollo capsule , is sitting atop a Delta IV Heavy rocket at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida .

  19. 这些客户包括加拿大皇家银行、德尔塔航空公司、SBC通信、台湾大哥大、普诚、三星生命保险、爱迪生团能源、哈拉娱乐公司、联邦快递、上海证券交易所、Travelocity公司、电子贸易和MatchLogic等很多企业。

    These customers include Royal Bank of Canada , Delta Air Lines , Qantas , SBC , Taiwan Cellular , UnumProvident , Samsung Life Insurance , Edison Mission Energy , Harrah 's Entertainment , Federal Express , Shanghai Stock Exchange , Travelocity , E-TRADE , and MatchLogic .

  20. 该疫苗对抗德尔塔变种的有效性也将进行测试。

    Its effectiveness against the Delta variant will also be tested .

  21. 俄国德尔塔4型潜水艇列装的武器有哪些?

    What 's the armament package on a Russian Delta iv-class sub ?

  22. 何况我们也比伽玛们和德尔塔们要好得多。

    And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas .

  23. 德尔塔航空总收入下降了450亿美元。

    Delta scaled back its revenue by about 45 million .

  24. “德尔塔”变种首先在印度被发现。

    The Delta variant was first identified in India .

  25. 圣约人的基地飞船和舰队都在这里守卫德尔塔光晕。

    Covenant base ship and fleet are here en masse guarding Delta Halo .

  26. 负责运营西北航空的德尔塔航空公司暂停了这些飞行员的职务。

    Delta Airlines which owns Northwest suspended the pilots .

  27. 或者,也许本应考虑定购德尔塔型机的这种飞机随时可以定购。

    Or maybe they should have considered delta & ready when you are .

  28. 啊,不,我不愿意跟德尔塔孩子们玩。

    Oh no , I don 't want to play with Delta children .

  29. 中国对抗德尔塔毒株的代价将是高昂的。

    China 's fight against Delta will be costly .

  30. 专家表示,德尔塔变种是原因之一。

    Experts say the Delta variant is one reason .