
dé guó mù yáng quǎn
  • German shepherds;German Shepherd Dog;Alsatian;German Shepard
  1. 等位基因频率和平均杂合度揭示拉布拉多犬的品种内遗传变异最大,而德国牧羊犬最低。

    Allelic frequencies and average heterozygosities revealed the greatest variation in Labrador retriever and the lowest in German Shepherd dog .

  2. 中国地方狼犬与德国牧羊犬杂交育种毛色遗传规律的研究

    The Research on Cross-breeding Genetic Laws of Hair Color between China Local Wolf-dog and German Shepherd Dog

  3. 专门负责训练拉布拉多犬和德国牧羊犬的纽约市大都会运输署K9组的职员称,这两个犬种在抗击恐怖主义行动中不可或缺。

    Officers from the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority 's K-9 unit , who train with either Labradors or German Shepherds , said the dogs were essential to fighting terrorism .

  4. 在他们的研究中,生物学家CorsinMüller和他的研究小组挑选了11只狗,其中包括9只边境牧羊犬,一只猎狐梗和一只德国牧羊犬。

    For their study , biologist Corsin M ü ller and his team selected eleven dogs , including nine Border Collies , a Fox Terrier , and a Sheltie .

  5. 就像德国牧羊犬,像她欠了我的钱一样!

    Iike a German shepherd , like she owe me money !

  6. 设想一下玛丽娜•沃勒克和她一岁大德国牧羊犬巴克。

    Consider Marina Wolak and Buck , her one-year-old German shepherd .

  7. 这狗是什么品种的?德国牧羊犬?

    What sort of dog is it : a German Shepherd ?

  8. 蒙古犬与德国牧羊犬八项生化指标的比较研究

    The comparative study of biochemical indicator on Mongolia dog and German dog

  9. 也见证了德国牧羊犬的高度智慧。

    Which bears witness to the high intellect of the German shepherd .

  10. 他是个世界级的德国牧羊犬的训练师。

    He 's a world-class trainer of German shepherds .

  11. 那个德国牧羊犬那天独自回到了家,而它的13岁的主任没有。

    The German shepherd returned home that day without its13-year-old master , Kathy Gloddy .

  12. 先前我打电话来询问一条德国牧羊犬。

    I called earlier about a German shepherd .

  13. 一只德国牧羊犬一路上一直紧迫在我们的身后。

    A German Shepherd was on our heels all the way up the road .

  14. 我们有一只叫桑迪的约克郡犬,还有一只德国牧羊犬,叫萨姆。

    We have Sandy , a Yorkshire Terrier , and a German Shepherd named Sam.

  15. 这条12岁的德国牧羊犬在六年期间完成了400多次不同的任务。

    The 12-year-old German Shepard completed over 400 separate missions during six years of service .

  16. 旁边站着漂亮的德国牧羊犬看起来就像它们马上可以把你咬死一样

    With these beautiful German Shepherds that looked like they could kill you standing right next to them

  17. 其他方面,纯繁德国牧羊犬的应激反应也较中国地方狼犬明显。

    Heat stress of purebred German Shepherd Dogs was more evident than that of indigenous wolfhound of China .

  18. 前一天晚上,一条貌似德国牧羊犬的狗来到酒吧,乞讨土豆片吃。

    The night before , a German shepherd looking mongrel had come into the bar begging for potato chips .

  19. 一个星期五的晚上我下班回家,在我们的门阶上发现了一条硕大而又漂亮的德国牧羊犬。

    One Friday evening I came home from work to find a big beautiful German shepherd on our doorstep .

  20. 德国牧羊犬幼犬断奶后生长曲线拟合与发育阶段划分研究

    Study on Growth Curves and Development Stages of German Shepherd Puppies from 1.5 to 12 Months Old dimensionless Horner match

  21. 纯种狗中以拉布拉多寻物猎犬居多,其次是美洲斗牛犬、施犬和德国牧羊犬。

    More Labrador retrievers were licensed than any other breed , followed by pit bulls , Shih Tzus and German Shepherds .

  22. 更糟的是,长尾搜索如“德国牧羊犬每天补充的维生素”,这样的搜索也很具竞争力。

    To make matters worse , even long-tail queries think " daily vitamins for German Shepherds " can be very competitive .

  23. “让我们勇敢点,往前走,姆里,”逖尔轻轻的拉着她的澳大利亚与德国牧羊犬的的后代姆里进入体育馆。

    " Let 's get a move on , Mulley ," says Teal , gently tugging her Australian-German shepherd into the gym .

  24. 有些品种的犬,如德国牧羊犬,杜宾,尽管也有发生椎间盘疾病,但发病率很低。

    Other breeds , such as the German Shepherd and Doberman Pinscher , also have disk disease but with a lower incidence .

  25. 在树上玩的时候,有时我会让哈桑用他的弹弓将胡桃射向邻居家那只独眼的德国牧羊犬。

    Sometimes , up in those trees , I talked Hassan into firing walnuts with his slingshot at the neighbor 's one-eyed German shepherd .

  26. 贵宾犬的智商仅次于边境牧羊犬,是世界上第二聪明的狗种,智商排名在贵宾犬之后的狗种是大名鼎鼎的德国牧羊犬。

    This breed of dogs is considered to be the second most intelligent dog after Border Collie , and before the German Shepherd Dog .

  27. 目前,德国牧羊犬,荷兰牧羊犬和比利时玛利诺犬已被证明是最好的选择,作为标准地做好军事工作犬。

    Currently the German Shepherd , Dutch Shepherd and Belgian Malinois have proven to be the best choice as the standard military working dog .

  28. 就有这样一个女人。她有两只很大覃辉德国牧羊犬。都是大家伙。大概有三四英尺高。

    There 's this one woman , she had two big German shepherds , great big old things , like three or four feet tall .

  29. 常见的患肛门囊腺癌的犬种有英国可卡犬,德国牧羊犬,阿拉斯加雪橇犬,腊肠犬和英国激飞猎犬。

    Breeds that may be more commonly affected include the English Cocker Spaniel , German Shepherd Dog , Alaskan Malamute , Dachshund , and Springer Spaniel .

  30. 专门伤害这些工作人员的品种有德国牧羊犬,紧随其后的有斯塔福德㹴犬、边境牧羊犬还有拉布拉多。

    The breed responsible for the most attacks on those staff specifically are German Shepherds , followed by Staffordshire Bull Terriers , Border Collies and Labradors .