
  • 网络diffuse sclerosis;diffuse myelinoclastic sclerosis;Schilder disease
  1. 背景与目的:各种慢性肾脏病进展至慢性肾衰的病理改变均以弥漫性肾小球硬化和间质纤维化为特征。

    Background and Objective : Almost all forms of kidney diseases progressing to end-stage renal failure are characterized by diffuse glomerular sclerosis and interstital fibrosis .

  2. 该文主要讨论先天性NS、常染色体隐性或显性家族性局灶节段性肾小球硬化(FSGS)、散发性NS以及综合征性弥漫性系膜硬化(DMS)或FSGS的分子遗传学进展。

    This review discussed the recent progress in molecular genetics of congenital NS , autosomal recessive or dominant family focal segmental glomerulosclerosis ( FSGS ), sporadic NS and symptomatic diffused mesangial sclerosis or FSGS .

  3. 弥漫性长骨骨硬化,伴骨皮质穿凿样破坏及松质骨虫蚀样破坏;

    Diffusing long bone sclerosis with cortical bone destruction and cancellated bone erosion ;