
  1. 上周,复旦大学表示将调查对其校友张文宏的指控。

    Last week , Fudan University said that it would investigate the accusations against its former student .

  2. 2000年,张文宏获得了复旦大学博士学位,他的研究主题是结核病基因突变。

    Zhang received his doctoral degree in 2000 from Fudan University , where he researched tuberculosis gene mutations .

  3. 因为张文宏对公共卫生的解释和阻止疫情的建议,他经常被拿来与美国传染病专家安东尼·福奇博士作比较。

    He is often compared with American infectious disease specialist Dr. Anthony Fauci for his public health explanations and suggestions to stop the pandemic .

  4. 上海复旦大学周一表示,校学术规范委员会发现张文宏博士学位论文的附录综述部分存在“写作不规范”,

    Shanghai-based Fudan University said Monday that its academic standards committee found " irregular writing " in the appendix summary of Zhang 's PhD thesis ,

  5. 然而,张文宏在本月早些时候提出的“中国应该与病毒共存”的理论引来了网友的一阵谴责,许多人认为这与中国的“对病毒零容忍”政策相矛盾。

    However , Zhang faced a barrage of criticism online earlier this month after he said China should coexist with the virus , which many believed contradicted the country 's zero-tolerance approach .

  6. 在张文宏发表这一言论后不久,社交媒体上充斥着一些未经证实的帖子,这些帖子称张文宏抄袭了山东省一位教授的一篇论文的部分内容。

    Soon after Zhang 's comments , social media was flooded with unverified posts claiming he had plagiarized parts of this thesis from a paper written by a professor from the eastern Shandong province .