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  1. 负责监督中外电影合拍情况的中国电影合作制片公司(CFCC)总经理张恂表示,CFCC否决了来自台湾的一个剧本,该剧本讲述的是与黑手党有瓜葛的一名警察的故事。

    Zhang Xun , president of China Film Cooperation Corporation , the state outlet which supervises co-productions , says CFCC rejected a script from Taiwan about a policeman with mafia ties .

  2. 张恂表示:我们决不鼓励此类影片。

    She says : We absolutely do not encourage such films .

  3. 周二,中国电影合作制片公司总经理张恂告诉此次电影会议的与会人士,我们希望看到正面的中国形象。

    We want to see positive Chinese images , Zhang Xun , president of the China Film Co-Production Corporation , told those assembled at the film conference on Tuesday .

  4. 为了强调她的观点,张恂列举了一些需要避开的危险地带,比如过度的暴力和恐怖内容,可能冒犯第三国的场景,以及可能引发不满的宗教内容。

    To underscore her point , Ms. Zhang ticked off hot spots to be avoided , including excessive violence and horror , scenes that might offend third countries and potentially volatile religious references .