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  • 网络Zhang
  1. 此后,张君从来没让人看。

    Since then , Zhang has never let anyone see it .

  2. 张君教授从医多年,对儿科疾病的中医诊治颇有建树。

    Professor Zhang , Jun has been an experienced doctor for many years .

  3. (张君,你觉得咱们的校园网怎么样?)

    M : Zhang Jun , what do you think of the campus network ?

  4. 据张君讲,这是他二叔1992年去世前给自己的。

    Zhan Jun says that it is given by his uncle before his death in1992 .

  5. 抢劫银行犯罪研究&实证分析:张君、鹿宪州等22起抢劫银行案

    A Research for Robbing of Bank Crime & Demonstration Analysis : Cases of 22 Robbing of Bank Crime

  6. 张君的二叔民国初期时是旧军队中级军官,解放后隐居老家。

    Zhang Jun 's uncle was a mid-level officer in the early republic and lived in his hometown after the liberation .

  7. 本文通过对张君犯罪心理的剖析指出,要特别注意一种由反社会的人格障碍导致的犯罪现象。

    By analyzing the criminal psychology of Zhang Jun , the author points out that we should pay very close attention to the criminal phenomena touched off by the character against society .