
  1. 孩子,张凯下巴,擤干净鼻涕。

    Kid , keeo your chin up and your nose clean .

  2. 除非是在网上,“没人敢说话,”张凯律师说。

    " Nobody dares speak out " except on the Internet , the lawyer said .

  3. 昨天在饭堂吃饭遇见张凯,便坐下来一起用餐。

    Yesterday I encountered my friend Zhang Kai in the canteen , and we enjoyed the meal together .

  4. 张凯在绘画上采用西方古典写实的技法,通过对原作图像与图式的挪用与转换来描绘自我的内心感受。

    Zhang Kai applys techniques of classical western painting to express his inner feeling through borrowing images from original works .

  5. 这种现象很可怕,代曹大和家属讨公道并索赔的张凯律师表示,法律中有条原则,即自己不能审自己。但现行体制完全扭曲。

    This is a terrible phenomenon , says Zhang Kai , the lawyer who represented Mr Cao 's family in their quest for justice and compensation . In the law we have a principle that somebody cannot be their own judge but the current system is completely twisted .