
  1. 以青海省达日县建设乡为例,简要介绍了应用MapInfo软件制作草地畜牧业各类专题统计地图的主要过程和基本方法。

    The main process and basic method to making all kinds of thematic map of pastoral animal husbandry with Map Info were introduced with Dari County of Qinghai Province as an example .

  2. 解放前后只在郊区建设乡一带流行,其保留的遗风已不完整。

    Just before and after liberation the building of rural area in the suburbs popular legacy of its reservation has been incomplete .

  3. 新农村建设中乡(镇)政府政策执行力研究

    On Village Governments Policy Execution Ability in New Country Building

  4. 第三,为了避免交易所造成的社会成本,一定程度的自律机制建设&引进乡规民约和正规金融的外部竞争是合理的制度选择。

    Thirdly , to reduce social costs induced by informal financing , self discipline and external competition are two feasible choices .

  5. 随着互联网和现代通信技术的发展,信息化建设为该乡教育找到了一个新途径&网络化教育。

    As the Internet and the development of modern communications technology , the education of the Heung Yee Kuk to find a new way to network-based education .

  6. 农民公共道德建设是新农村乡风文明建设的重要内容。

    The farmer public moral construction is an important content of the new countryside " the local custom civilization " construction .