
  • 网络Rehabilitation;rehabilitation service
  1. 精神疾病社区康复服务需求调查及展望

    Research and Prospect for Demand of Community Rehabilitation Services for Psychosis

  2. 北京市残疾人人人享有康复服务评价指标体系信度和效度研究

    Reliability and validity for the evaluation index system of rehabilitation services

  3. 社会福利署助理署长(青年及康复服务)

    Assistant Director ( Training and Rehabilitation ) [ Social Welfare Department ]

  4. 香港的戒毒治疗与康复服务三年计划

    Three Year Plan for Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Services in Hong Kong

  5. 建立社区康复服务体系。

    Community rehabilitation service systems for disabled children also have been set up .

  6. 社区卫生服务中心、残疾人康复服务中心按标准配置;

    Community health service centers , disabled rehabilitation center at the standard configuration ;

  7. 康复服务教育委员会

    Dial-a-ride service Committee on Public Education in Rehabilitation

  8. 联合国还从事为地雷受害者改进医疗和康复服务的工作。

    The UN also works to improve medical and rehabilitation services for landmine victims .

  9. 社区康复服务成本效益与效果研究进展

    The advance in the study of the cost-effect and benefit of community-based rehabilitation services

  10. 加强医疗急救和康复服务。

    Strengthening emergency medical care and rehabilitation services .

  11. 康复服务中央档案室〔前称伤残人士中央档案室〕

    Central Registry for Rehabilitation [ formerly known as Central Registry of the Disabled ]

  12. 上海市残疾人康复服务政策体系框架研究

    The Study on Policy System Framework of Rehabilitation Services for the Disabled in Shanghai

  13. 康复服务开展率低,远远不能满足市场需求;

    The rehabilitation service development rate was too lower to meet the demand of market .

  14. 结果城区残疾人康复服务需求实现率为87。

    ResultsThe realization rate of rehabilitation demands of persons with disability in this community was87 .

  15. 北京市五所三级医院提供和利用康复服务的影响因素研究

    Factors of influencing supply and utilization of rehabilitation service in five grade A hospitals in Beijing

  16. 前言:目的建立上海市残疾人“人人享有康复服务”评价指标体系。

    Objective To create the evaluation index system of rehabilitation service for all disabled in Shanghai .

  17. 使残疾人融入并向他们提供获得卫生和康复服务至关重要。

    Including people with disabilities and providing them with access to health and rehabilitation services is vital .

  18. 为全世界的患者提供风湿病、骨科的手术以及康复服务。

    Queen Elizabeth Hospital-provides rheumatology , rehabilitation and orthopaedic surgical services to patients from around the world .

  19. 完善康复服务机制,提高服务水平等是降低残疾的重要措施。

    Perfecting the rehabilitation service mechanism and improving service level is an important measure to reduce the disabled .

  20. 医院管理局通过辖下多家医院、专科诊疗所及外展服务,为病人提供医疗和康复服务。

    It provides medical treatment and rehabilitation services to patients through hospitals , specialist clinics and outreaching services .

  21. 他们也较少能受益于预防工作,而且较少能获取高质量的治疗和康复服务。

    They also benefit less from prevention efforts , and have less access to high-quality treatment and rehabilitation services .

  22. 我们为残疾人士提供政府资助康复服务。在这方面所做的工作,不论从量或质的角度去衡量,我们均已取得重大进展。

    We are also making significant progress , both in terms of quantity and quality , in providing Government-subvented rehabilitation services to the disabled .

  23. 结论:脑卒中患者的居家状况存在问题较多,亟待得到合适的整体家庭康复服务。

    Conclusion : There were many problems in the household condition of patients following stroke . They urgently need whole and appropriate home-based rehabilitation services .

  24. 结论普遍开展社区康复服务,增加残疾人的就业机会,完善我国的残疾人福利政策等。

    Conclusion We should develop the widespread recovery service , increase the employment opportunity for the handicapped and improve the welfare policy for the handicapped .

  25. 政府部门和非政府机构一直紧密合作,制订和推行康复服务计划,以切合残疾人士的需要。

    Both government departments and NGOs have been working in close partnership in the planning and implementation of services to meet the needs of the disabled .

  26. 残疾人社区康复服务指以社区为平台,为大多数特别是农村残疾人提供方便,就近的一种康复服务方式。

    Community-based rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities are based on the community , and it is a convenient mode especially for the rural people with disabilities .

  27. 为了帮助像齐默尔曼先生这样的人,大多数州的律师协会或法院系统都设有援助项目,可将律师转诊给咨询或康复服务机构。

    To help people like Mr. Zimmerman , most state bar associations or court systems have assistance programs that can refer lawyers to counseling or rehabilitation services .

  28. 但是,要实现人人享有康复服务这一宏伟目标,我国的康复保障事业发展任重道远。

    But , to realize " everyone has the right to rehabilitation services " this target , the recovery of our country security undertakings development to implement .

  29. 马来西亚重返工作岗位项目通过协调提供康复服务和福利支持,使得因工伤而致残之人重返全职工作岗位。

    In Malaysia , the Return to Work programme allows people with occupational injury-related disability to return to full-time work by coordinating rehabilitation services and welfare support .

  30. 我们很愿意与那些希望改进数据,使卫生系统具备包容性,强化康复服务以及扩大社区康复的国家开展合作。

    We would be pleased to work with countries wishing to improve their data , make health systems inclusive , strengthen rehabilitation services , and expand community-based rehabilitation .