
  • 网络Advertising Field Theory
  1. 大学本科或同等学力,广告、场营销专业毕业,MBA优先。

    University degree or similar professional qualification in Ad. or marketing , MBA as a plus .

  2. 为做广告的一场年度垒球比赛,媒介和娱乐工业在整个美国在不同地点成立了。

    An annual Softball Tournament for the advertising , media and entertainment industries held at different venues throughout the United states .

  3. 广告中语场主要体现语言纯理功能,包括句子过程类型,参与者和环境成分的用词选择。广告人以不同的词汇手段以及有效句子类型来吸引读者注意力。

    The three major parts are as follows : 1 : Choice on the Field is shown in Processes , Participants and Circumstances of sentences in advertisements , based on the ideational function of language .

  4. 除展商书面要求外,展商所提交的一切材料和制成的广告底片将于场刊印制后毁掉。

    Unless with prior written request , all , photos and materials supplied and advertising film produced will be destroyed after the production of Exhibition Catalogue .

  5. 这一切体现了商业广告为顾客提供产品信息的基本功能,印证了英语广告的语场。

    All of these realize the basic function of advertising & informing , and coincide with the field of advertisements .

  6. 第三部分分析广告舆论发生的宏观环境和微观环境,即社会系统变量和广告舆论场。

    In the third part analyse the macro and micro environment , the variable of social system and advertising media market .