
yòu ér yuán
  • kindergarten;nursery school;day care center;infants' school
幼儿园 [yòu ér yuán]
  • [infant school;kindergarten]一种学前教育机构,通常招收四岁至六岁的儿童

  1. 孩子们先上幼儿园,然后上学前班,再接着上小学。

    Children graduate to the kindergarten , then pre-school , and then school .

  2. 她目前在上幼儿园。

    She 's in kindergarten now .

  3. 幼儿园应该起到为儿童进小学作准备的作用。

    Nursery schools should fulfil the function of preparing children for school .

  4. 我们已发起一场要求改善幼儿园和中小学教育服务的运动。

    We have started a campaign for better nursery and school services

  5. 人们能负担得起的幼儿园教育是一项基本的社会福利。

    An affordable nursery education service is an essential basic amenity .

  6. 伦敦幼儿园的分布非常不均衡。

    The availability of nursery school places varies widely across London .

  7. 放期中假时幼儿园关门了,所以我就带他们两人去看电影。

    There was no play school at half term , so I took them both to the cinema .

  8. 那位母亲硬把儿子拽进了幼儿园。

    The mother dragged her son into the kindergarten .

  9. 她在幼儿园照看孩子。

    She looks after children in the kindergarten .

  10. 孩子们在幼儿园里学习唱歌、跳舞、画图画等。

    The children learn singing , dancing , drawing , and the like in the kindergarten .

  11. 她每天送她女儿上幼儿园。

    She sends her little daughter to the kindergarten every day .

  12. 幼儿园教师知道许多有趣的故事。

    The nursery teacher 's got a fund of amusing stories .

  13. 幼儿园老师有时被称为孩子王。

    Teachers in kindergarten are sometimes referred to as leaders of children .

  14. 孩子进了幼儿园以后,你就不用那么操心费神了。

    It will be a load off your mind when your child enters kindergarten .

  15. 我家后面有一所幼儿园。

    There is a kindergarten behind my house .

  16. 小女孩背上起了疹子,所以她不能去幼儿园了。

    The little girl broke out in rashes on her back , so she couldn 't go to the kindergarten .

  17. 这项研究包含了参与“快速跟踪项目”的386名幼儿园里的小孩,而该项目是美国一项多地点临床试验,于1991年开始跟踪儿童一生的发展情况。

    The study included 386 kindergarteners from schools in the Fast Track Project , a multi-site clinical trial in the U.S. that in 1991 began tracking how children developed across their lives .

  18. 这些团队主要源于东欧培养年轻人才的传统,教授在放学后或周末教授有前途的从幼儿园到12年级的学生研习高等数学。

    In these groups , which came out of an Eastern European tradition of developing young talent , professors teach promising K-12 students advanced mathematics for several hours after school or on weekends .

  19. 教育者将其简称为pre-K,意思是“幼儿园之前的教育”——其主要目标是让四岁甚至更小的儿童做好准备,以便他们能在K-12阶段(即从幼儿园到高中结束的基础教育阶段)取得成功。

    The shorthand educators use for this is " pre-K " — meaning instruction before kindergarten — and the big idea is to prepare 4-year-olds and even younger kids to be ready to succeed on their K-12 journey .

  20. 她是第一位公开支持加强幼儿园前教育的候选人。

    She was the first candidate to speak out for strong pre-K programming .

  21. 早期干预有效的证据明显站在了幼儿园前教育这一方。

    The weight of the evidence is on the side of pre-K that early intervention works .

  22. 有些批评者称,幼儿园前教育是奢侈品,针对那些能够负担得起的家庭,它不应该是免费的。

    Some critics say it is a luxury and shouldn 't be free to families able to pay .

  23. 幼儿园前教育是有争议的。

    Pre-K is controversial .

  24. 而幼儿园前教育的拥护者坚持认为,如果将幼儿园前教育与儿童的其他学校教育结合到一起,它已经证明是会成功的。

    Pre-K advocates insist it is proven and will succeed if integrated with the rest of the child 's schooling .

  25. 无论如何,在梅根·巴里就任市长一职之际,目前关于幼儿园前教育的讨论是恰当的。

    This is , in any case , the right conversation to be having now as Mayor Megan Barry takes office .

  26. 皮博迪教育学院一项针对田纳西州志愿幼儿园前教育项目的新研究报告指出,幼儿园前教育是有用的,但是从中所受的教益无法维持到三年级。

    A new Peabody study of the Tennessee Voluntary Pre-K program reports that pre-K works , but the gains are not sustained through the third grade .

  27. 在发达国家,千禧一代即将占据市场上一半的劳动力,他们从幼儿园时起就开始分组工作了。

    The " millennials " who will soon make up half the workforce in rich countries were raised from nursery school onwards to work in groups .

  28. 在我看来,这似乎更凸显了小学教育而非幼儿园前教育存在的质量问题,而且这也表明,想要获得更长远的成功,就必须把幼儿园前教育和所有其他与教育儿童相关的问题联系在一起。

    It seems to me this highlights quality issues in elementary schools more than pre-K , and indicates longer-term success must connect pre-K with all the other issues related to educating a child .

  29. 我儿子乔迪从上幼儿园的第一天起就讨厌上学。

    My son Jody has hated school since day one in kindergarten .

  30. 更糟糕的是,州法律使得所有进入幼儿园的儿童都很容易选择不接种本应接种的疫苗。

    Making things worse are state laws that make it too easy to opt out of what are supposed to be required vaccines for all children entering kindergarten .