
  • 网络kousui
  1. 综合研究认为双层袋L2-1为幸水梨果实套袋处理的最佳选择。

    The comprehensive evaluation showed that using the double-layer bag L2-1 was the best of all the bagging treatments .

  2. 信威红梨源于云南火把梨作父本,日本优质幸水梨作母本经果树育种专家在新西兰培育杂交而成。

    Xinwei from Yunnan Red Pear Pear torch as the male , high-quality Fortunately , the Japanese pear fruit breeding experts for the female parent in New Zealand by nurturing the offspring .

  3. 选用了12种不同类型果袋对幸水梨进行套袋比较试验,结果表明:套袋后幸水梨果实的硬度、可滴定酸含量比对照显著增大;

    The comparative experiments of bagging were carried out with 12 types of fruit bags , and the results showed that after bagging , the hardness and titratable acid content of fruit significantly increased ;

  4. 结果表明:(1)不同时期套袋后,幸水梨的硬度、可滴定酸含量均比对照显著增加,可溶性固形物、可溶性总糖含量以及单果重均有不同程度的降低。

    It was shown that ( 1 ) after they were bagged at different stages , the fruits increased their hardness , titratable acid content and decreased their solids content , soluble sugar content and weight per fruit in various degrees compared with the control fruits ;