
  • 网络flat spacetime
  1. Dirac方程最初是Dirac为解决平直时空中满足Klein-Gordon方程的粒子的负几率与负能问题而建立的。

    Dirac equation has been established in the initial purpose of solving the negative energy and negative probability problems of particles satisfied the Klein-Gordon equation in flat spacetime .

  2. 平直时空中的超距作用电动力学

    Action-at-a-distance electrodynamics in flat spacetime

  3. 发现StefanBoltzmann常数不同于平直时空的值,并且在不同时空度规中该常数有不同的值。

    It is found that the value of Stefan-Boltzmann constant in curved space-time is different from that in Euclidean space-time , and the constant has different value in different space-time .

  4. 过去几十年,国际上在主要研究平直时空中的Proca方程组的同时,也开展了对弯曲时空中Proca方程组的研究,研究非零质量光子对各种度规的影响。

    Proca equations have been mainly studied in flat space and it has been studied also in curved space during the past decades .

  5. 平直时空引力场中粒子运动方程及牛顿近似

    Motion equation of single particle in gravitational field in flat space & time

  6. 然后,研究了在四维平直时空下三个单粒子态构成的量子态的负能密度。

    Secondly , we investigate the energy density produced by a state vector which is the superposition of three single electron states in the Dirac field in the four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime .

  7. 相对论天体物理中,由于黑洞附近时空弯曲相当严重,我们可以得到一些在平直时空中难以想象的有趣效应。

    In relativistic astrophysics , owing to the serious curvature of space-time in the vicinity of black hole , we can have some interesting effects which are unimaginable in the flat space-time .

  8. 人们将这个方法用于研究闵氏时空中原子的平均能量变化率,发现真空中的匀加速基态原子可以自发激发,随后这个方法被广泛地用于研究平直时空中各种情况下原子的辐射性质。

    This formalism was then used to study the average rate of change of the atomic energy in Minkowski spacetime , and it is found that a ground-state atom in uni-form acceleration in vacuum would spontaneously excite .