
  • 网络plain coast
  1. 关于未来海面变化趋势与平原海岸的变化

    On sea level trend and changes of plain coast in future

  2. 黄东海平原海岸潮汐河口地貌剖析

    Geomorphological analyses of tidal river mouths along the coasts of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea

  3. 沿海滩涂大部分为淤泥质平原海岸带,滩地比较开阔,分布集中,但滩涂地形、地貌、自然植被等具有特殊性,所以其测量也不同于一般的地面测量。

    The most parts of nearshore shoals are plain covered with mud and widder , centralized distribution , the topography , landforms and natural vegetation are special .

  4. 关于苏北中部平原海岸古砂堤形成年代的认识海平面上升对长江三角洲和苏北滨海平原海岸侵蚀的可能影响

    On the formation of fossil barriers in the middle flat of Jiangsu northern part impacts of sea level rise on coastal erosion in the Changjiang Delta and North Jiangsu coastal plain

  5. 盐地碱蓬是江苏沿海一线从苏鲁交界的绣针河口到长江口1000多公里的平原海岸淤滩上的优势物种。

    And S. salsa is of Jiangsu coastal line , the junction of the embroidery needle from the mouth of Sulu to the Yangtze Delta Plain , 1 000 km of the coast to check the dominant species in sediment .

  6. 平原滩涂海岸风电场建设几个问题的初步探讨

    Discussion on wind farm construction on coastal mudflat wetland

  7. 境内地势东北略高,西南渐低,为海滨淤积平原,海岸线长23.5公里。

    Slightly higher than the territory lying north-east , south-west gradually lower deposition for coastal plains , a coastline of23.5 kilometers .

  8. 唯一一个大平原位于里海海岸(CaspianSea)和波斯湾(PersianGulf)最北部,阿万河(Arvandriver)(Shattal-Arab)的入口处的那里伊朗边界。

    The only large plains are found along the coast of the Caspian Sea and at the northern end of the Persian Gulf , where Iran borders on the mouth of the Arvand river ( Shatt al-Arab ) .

  9. 淤泥质海岸后方大面积的低地平原主要通过海岸上建设的涵闸排水,潮滩匡围对沿海涵闸排水的影响是围垦工程必须解决的问题。

    Flood drain of wide lowland plain behind mud coast mostly clings to tide locks on seacoast , and the influence of tidal flat inning project on tide lock drainage should be solved through seawall line choosing .

  10. 平原粉沙淤泥质海岸防护林土壤渗透特性的研究

    Study on Soil Permeability of Shelter-Forest in Silting Coastal Plain

  11. 下辽河平原和辽东半岛海岸带晚更新世以来的海侵

    A study of the transgression process since late Pleistocene on the coast zone of lower Liaohe River Plain and the Liaodong Peninsula