
  • 网络Greco-Turkish War
  1. 第二次希土战争以双方签订强制性人口互换协议告终。约20万希腊人和30多万土耳其人被迫背井离乡。

    The result was a mutual compulsory population exchange where some 200000 Greeks and over 300000 Turks were forcibly removed from their homes .

  2. 原本和自己的穆斯林邻居相安无事的村民,在第二次希土战争后,全被送回饱受战争蹂躏的希腊。他们不得不在希腊重头开始,也是为了避免与自身本无干系的迫害。

    An entire community of people who lived peacefully with their Muslim neighbors were sent to war-torn Greece to start anew and escape persecution for something they had nothing to do with .