
  • 网络Brooklyn Nets
  1. 为了能胜任经纪人的工作,他还将放弃了自己持有的少量NBA布鲁克林篮网队(BrooklynNets)股份。

    He also divested his small ownership stake in the Brooklyn nets so that he could become an agent .

  2. 在布鲁克林篮网队的所有者米哈伊尔·普罗霍洛夫(MikhailProkhorov)的俄罗斯生意伙伴马克西姆·芬斯基(MaximFinskiy)搬进中心时,他运进了他的宾利(Bentley)轿车。

    After Maxim Finskiy , a Russian business associate of the Brooklyn Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov , moved in , he imported his Bentley .

  3. 俄罗斯亿万富翁,布鲁克林篮网队(BrooklynNets)老板米哈伊尔•普罗霍洛夫,以及特立独行的亿万富翁,维珍集团(VirginGroup)创始人理查德•布兰森,都对这项运动情有独钟。

    Russian billionaire and Brooklyn Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov apparently enjoys the sport as does the original extreme billionaire , Virgin Group founder Richard Branson .

  4. 自克莱德(Clyde)和沃尔特(Walt)时代以来,尼克斯已有近60年的悲惨岁月未再问鼎冠军,而自命不凡、让人讨厌的布鲁克林篮网队(BrooklynNets)却已揽得四尊冠军奖杯。

    There 's been no title banner since the days of Clyde and Walt , almost 60 sorrowful years . Brooklyn , smug and annoying , has won four .

  5. 但现在,作为布鲁克林篮网队(BrooklynNets)的一员,林书豪说他对自己作为首位在美国出生的台湾或华裔NBA球员的名声和受欢迎情况有了不同的认知。

    But now , as a member of the Brooklyn Nets , Mr. Lin says he has a different perspective on his fame and his popularity as the first American-born basketball player of Taiwanese or Chinese descent in the N.B.A.

  6. 去年夏天,欧文同波士顿凯尔特人队分道扬镳,与布鲁克林篮网队签约。

    Irving left Boston to sign with Brooklyn last summer .

  7. 詹姆斯·哈登错过了周五晚上对阵布鲁克林篮网队的比赛,但这位休斯顿火箭队的后卫可能会在周六回到首发阵容。

    James Harden missed Friday night 's game against the Brooklyn Nets , but the Houston Rockets guard likely will return to the lineup Saturday .

  8. 2010年,林和艾派·尤度是金州勇士队的新秀,2016-17赛季,他和贾斯汀·汉密尔顿一起效力于布鲁克林篮网队。

    Lin was a rookie with Ekpe Udoh at the Golden State Warriors in 2010 and was at the Brooklyn Nets with Justin Hamilton during the 2016-17 season .

  9. 骑士队交易走了早有去意的明星后卫凯里-欧文,从凯尔特人队换来了后卫以赛亚-托马斯,前锋杰-克劳德,年轻的内线安特-日日奇和2018年布鲁克林篮网队的首轮选秀权。

    LeBron James 。 The Cavaliers traded disgruntled star guard Kyrie Irving to Boston for guard Isaiah Thomas , forward Jae Crowder , young big man Ante Zizic and the Brooklyn Nets " 2018 first-round draft pick that the Celtics owned .