
  • 网络Brett;bret;Bredt;Bret Hart
  1. 在许多方面,布雷特和伯纳德截然不同。

    In many ways , Brett and Bernard are polar opposites .

  2. 布雷特和报界及公众之间都正处在蜜月期。

    Brett is enjoying a honeymoon period with both press and public .

  3. 布雷特的歌声无与伦比。

    Brett 's vocals are just unique

  4. 也可能是拍你马屁——想想《办公室》(TheOffice)里的大卫•布雷特(DavidBrent)。

    Or it could be smarmy - think here of David Brent in The Office .

  5. 12.Quip公司CEO布雷特-泰勒(BretTaylor):他曾是Facebook的首席技术官,现在经营着一家神秘的创业公司。

    12.Bret Taylor , CEO , Quip : The former CTO of Facebook is now running a stealth startup .

  6. 游戏群星云集,其中包含《神盾局特工》(AgentsofS.H.I.E.L.D)的演员布雷特o道顿,美剧《纳什维尔》(Nashville)的演员海顿o潘妮蒂尔和《极品飞车》(NeedforSpeed)的演员拉米o马雷克。

    The game stars a Hollywood cast that includes Brett Dalton ( Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D ) , Hayden Panettiere ( Nashville ) and Rami Malek ( Need for Speed ) .

  7. 该论文的作者布雷特•佩尔汉姆、马修•麦仁伯格和约翰?琼斯得出结论说,发生这一现象是因为人们“偏爱那些和自身(如自己名字中的字母)有关的事物”。词汇点津:comeacross偶然碰到或发现

    Authors Brett Pelham , Matthew Mirenberg and John Jones concluded that the phenomenon occurs because people " prefer things that are connected to the self ( for example , the letters in one 's name ) . "

  8. 达拉斯ParksAssociates研究总监布雷特&12539;萨平顿(BrettSappington)说,最好是再等等。

    It 's better to wait , says Brett Sappington , director of research at Dallas-based Parks Associates .

  9. 来自美国科德角(CapeCod)的布雷特•凯利(BrettKelley)重返皮斯卡塔韦(Piscataway),29岁的他正学习如何抵挡拳击。

    Back in Piscataway , Brett Kelley , a 29-year-old liquor-store clerk from Cape Cod , was learning to block a punch .

  10. 所以如果Verizon能靠它销售更多的手机,布雷特就会着眼于更多的东西,不是这样吗?

    So if this sells more phones for Verizon . There has to be something on Brett 's horizon , right ?

  11. 不过,他和另一位联合创始人、首席执行官布雷特•威尔逊(BrettWilson)都觉得,没有哈斯商学院,就没有他们的今天。

    He and co-founder and chief executive Brett Wilson agree , however , that they could not have done it without their business school .

  12. 像布里切特这样的有影响力的人物——还有前苹果公司的设计师、现在就职于脸谱公司的迈克•马塔斯(MikeMatas)以及布雷特•维克托(BretVictor)——吸引了大批的跟风者。

    Influencers like Mr. Brichter -- as well as former Apple designers Mike Matas , who is now at Facebook , and Bret Victor -- thus draw big followings .

  13. 高科技企业的文化未必对家庭友好,我认为,人们还没有真正意识到这一点,布雷特·泰勒(BretTaylor)说。他曾是Facebook的首席技术官,如今是初创公司Quip的联合创始人。

    The culture is not necessarily friendly to families , and I think that 's not really realized , said Bret Taylor , former chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder of a startup called Quip .

  14. 然后他们听见曾在电台为福尔摩斯配音的约翰·吉尔古德(JohnGielgud)和西蒙·卡洛(SimonCallow)的声音,看到几十年前在电影和电视中饰演福尔摩斯的巴兹尔·拉思伯恩(BasilRathbone)和杰里米·布雷特(JeremyBrett)的视频剪辑。

    Then they hear the voices of actors like John Gielgud and Simon Callow who portrayed him on the radio , and see video clips of actors like Basil Rathbone and Jeremy Brett who played him decades ago on screen .

  15. 中国文化中蕴含着丰富而独特的心理学和心理治疗思想,曾被心理学史家墨菲(g.murphy)和布雷特(g.s.brett)誉为“世界心理学的第一故乡”。

    Psychologists g.murphy and G s.brett used to praise China as " the first hometown of psychology " . there are rich and characteristic psychology and psychotherapy ideas containing in Chinese culture .

  16. 那个布雷特费佛签名的橄榄球呢?

    What happened to the football signed by Brett favre ?

  17. 一些跳舞的人围着布雷特形成一个圈子,并开始跳起舞来。

    Some dancers formed a circle around Brett and started to dance .

  18. 布雷特精通各种电器的维修工作。

    Bret is at home with any kind of electronic repair work .

  19. “他是个出色的勇士,”布雷特说。

    He was a very distinguished soldier , Brett said .

  20. 布雷特。法弗将于周一如愿重返绿湾包装工队。

    Brett Farve will return to the Green Bay Packers'roster effective Monday afternoon .

  21. 杰西卡在她第一次见到布雷特时就爱上他。

    Jessica fell in love with Brett the first time she met him .

  22. 解除布雷特先生的经理职务

    Relieve Mr Brett of his post as manager

  23. 萨拉、乔伊和布雷特,嗨!

    Sarah and Joey and Brett . Hi !

  24. 布雷特:不,不。我的“朋友们”不愿意。

    Brett : No , no. My " friends " wouldn 't like that .

  25. 布雷特:一看你知道的就不多。

    Brett : That shows what you know .

  26. 布雷特.昆士昂在今年5月退役前,曾先后两次赴伊作战。

    BRETT QUINZON did two tours in Iraq before leaving active duty in May .

  27. 布雷特:我跟你提过吗,他还喜欢偷东西?

    Brett : Did I mention that he likes to steal things , too ?

  28. 布雷特:这听起来很严重。

    Brett : That sounds really serious .

  29. 对很多人来说,布雷特的功绩就是完善了夏洛克·福尔摩斯。

    Brett 's legacy was to be , for many , the complete Sherlock Holmes .

  30. 布雷特,欢迎来到我们的节目。

    Brett , welcome to the programme .