
bù pǐ
  • cloth;piece goods
布匹 [bù pǐ]
  • [cloth;piece goods] 布(总称)

布匹[bù pǐ]
  1. 用在家里纺织的布匹做成的。

    Made of cloth spun or woven in the home .

  2. 附近的棉花、粮食、布匹等等。

    The cotton , grain and cloth produced in the surrounding areas .

  3. 一种基于改进的BP神经网络算法的布匹瑕疵分类器

    A Fabric Flaws Classifier Based On Improved BP Neural Network Algorithm

  4. 基于FPGA的布匹疵点图像实时采集系统

    Fabric Flaws ' Realtime Image Grabber System Based on FPGA

  5. 线阵CCD在布匹幅面热定型控制中的应用

    The Application of Linear Matrix CCD in the Hot Case-hardened Control of the Piece Goods

  6. 疵点分类算法着重考虑布匹疵点特征的选取和BP网络学习算法的优化。

    Fabric classification algorithm considers the fabric feature parameters selection and optimization of training algorithm of BP neural network .

  7. 给出一种基于多通道Gabor滤波技术实现高速实时布匹瑕疵检测方法。

    Present a multichannel Gabor filter scheme for textile defect detection .

  8. 一种改进的多通道Gabor滤波器布匹瑕疵检测方法

    An improved multichannel Gabor filter algorithm for fabric defect detection

  9. 提出一种基于聚类分析和支持向量机(SVM)的布匹瑕疵分类方法。

    Presents an efficient method of fabric defect classification based on cluster analysis and support vector machine ( SVM ) .

  10. 基于Gabor滤波器的布匹瑕疵自动检测方法

    Gabor Filter-Based Automatic Textile Defect Detection

  11. 蜡染是在布匹着色的过程中,以蜂蜡(beeswax)作为防止染色的材料。

    During the dyeing process , beeswax is applied to prevent some parts of the cloth form being dyed .

  12. 多尺度AMSS算子在布匹瑕疵检测中的应用研究

    Study on Multi-Scale AMSS Operator for Fabric Flaw Detection

  13. 本课题背景源于工业现场监测的图像采集系统,如广泛应用于烟草除杂,棉花检测,食品除杂,布匹检测,大米色选等领域的线阵CCD相机系统。

    The background of the subject derives from the industrial on-site monitoring of the image acquisition system , such as linear CCD camera system widely used in removal of tobacco impurity , cotton testing , food cleaning , fabric testing , rice color sorter and so on .

  14. 布匹在线测速测长产量记录仪

    On-Line Speed and Length Measuring and Output Recording Instrument for Fabrics

  15. 布只有织成布匹才会有用。

    The cloth will only be useful if it is finished .

  16. 基于聚类分析和支持向量机的布匹瑕疵分类方法

    Fabric Defect Classification Based on Cluster Analysis and Support Vector Machine

  17. 配置精密计码器,准确记录布匹数量;

    Precision length counter is used to record fabric quantity ;

  18. 对布匹进行对色、量码及质量检验;

    Compare the color and inspect the quality for fabric ;

  19. 近年来,中大布匹市场中高档交易市场数量不断增加。

    New high quality cloth trading centers have mushroomed within the market .

  20. 出厂之前每寸布匹都检查过。

    Every length of cloth is inspected before it leaves the factory .

  21. 纸张受热而打卷儿.布匹自动切断及打卷装置

    The heat curled the paper . automatic batch change device

  22. 你没有取消从台湾的布匹订单?

    You didn 't cancel the fabric order from taiwan ?

  23. 在纺成纱线或者织成布匹之前就染色。

    Dyed before being spun or woven into cloth .

  24. 扁平纸板,用于盘绕纱线、缎带或布匹

    Flat-shaped card for winding yarn , ribbon or cloth

  25. 布匹、针织布匹、地毯用包装、贴标和唛头机

    Packing , labeling and marking machines for fabrics , knitted fabrics , carpet

  26. 遵照你方要求,我们正寄上一套布匹剪样。

    We are sending you a set of piece goods samples at your request .

  27. 他们在桌上把布匹拉开。

    They unrolled the cloth onto the table .

  28. 对针梭织面料有深度认识,尤其熟悉中大布匹市场。

    Deep understanding on knitted and woven fabric , especially for Zhongda fabric market .

  29. 有这种绒条的织物或布匹。

    A fabric or cloth with such ribs .

  30. 自动张力架控制,使布匹在卷验中不受张力影响;

    Controled by auto-tension frame and without any tension in the course of rolling cloth ;