
  • 网络Inter-Services Intelligence;Inter Services Intelligence Directorate
  1. 美国担心,巴基斯坦三军情报局(ISI)早就知道拉登藏在巴基斯坦。

    The US is concerned that the Inter-Services Intelligence agency knew bin Laden was in Pakistan .

  2. 阿富汗官员经常指责巴基斯坦三军情报局的一些部门纵容塔利班在阿富汗的暴乱行动。

    Afghan officials often blame elements within Pakistan 's Inter-Services Intelligence agency for fueling the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan .

  3. 由于面临美国特种部队发动突袭将本拉登击毙的尖锐问题,巴基斯坦三军情报局局长艾哈迈德•舒亚•帕夏(AhmedShujaPasha)有意辞职。

    Pakistan 's intelligence chief General Ahmed Shuja Pasha has offered to resign after facing tough questioning about the US Special Forces raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden .

  4. 巴基斯坦三军情报局和阿富汗激进组织有密切联系,特别是在上个世纪80年代苏联占领阿富汗期间。

    The ISI has had strong links to Afghan militant groups , particularly during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the1980s .

  5. 他说,巴基斯坦三军情报局支持了9月10日哈卡尼对北约一个基地的卡车爆炸袭击。

    He said Pakistan 's Inter-Services Intelligence agency supported the truck bombing by Haqqani operatives on a NATO base on September tenth .

  6. 麦克·马伦:“哈卡尼组织是巴基斯坦三军情报局名副其实的爪牙。”

    MIKE MULLEN : " The Haqqani network , for one , acts as a arm of Pakistan 's internal services intelligence agency . "

  7. 阿富汗情报部门发言人说,调查人员收集的证据以及从16名在押嫌疑人那里得到的口供都显示,巴基斯坦三军情报局卷入了这起未遂暗杀。

    An Afghan intelligence service spokesman said evidence collected by investigators and confessions from 16 suspects detained after the attack show the Pakistani spy agency was involved .

  8. 不过,阿富汗政府星期三指责巴基斯坦三军情报局介入了两个月前针对阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊的未遂暗杀行动,当时卡尔扎伊正在喀布尔阅兵。

    But , on Wednesday , the Afghan government accused the Pakistani spy agency of a role in the failed attempt to assassinate Afghan President Hamid Karzai during a military parade in Kabul two months ago .

  9. 巴基斯坦神秘的三军情报局以前就曾被指控策划过在印度和阿富汗的袭击。

    Pakistan 's shadowy Inter-Services Intelligence directorate , or ISI , has been accused before of planning attacks in India and Afghanistan .

  10. 这一问题的一个引发争议的部分是经常被人称为巴基斯坦“秘密政府”的巴基斯坦三军情报局真正在发挥的作用。

    A controversial component of the issue is the true role of the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate , which is often labeled the " secret government " of Pakistan .