
  • 网络Quayside container crane;Query-side Container Crane
  1. 50t-50m岸边集装箱起重机

    50t-50m Quayside Container Crane

  2. 大型岸边集装箱起重机海运柔性绑扎设计

    Design of flexible tying up large quayside container crane for ocean shipping

  3. 65t岸边集装箱起重机前后大梁铰接孔的加工工艺

    A Process Technique of a Line Reaming on the Front and Rear Main Beam of a 65t Shore Container Crane

  4. 可吊双40ft箱的岸边集装箱起重机

    A Quayside Gantry Crane Capable of Lifting Double 40 ft Container

  5. 为正确了解港口用住友岸边集装箱起重机和VULKAN岸边集装箱起重机金属结构状态,本文介绍了对该机金属结构进行的应力测试、静刚度测试和焊缝质量检测。

    This paper describes test of quayside container cranes manufactured by SUMITOMO and VULKAN in order to investigate the state of their metal structures .

  6. 双40英尺箱岸边集装箱起重机装卸技术

    Handling Technology of Dual 40 Feet Containers ′ Quayside Container Crane

  7. 基于产品基因的岸边集装箱起重机大车行走机构设计

    Design on drive mechanics of gantry crane based on product gene

  8. 岸边集装箱起重机风振动研究

    Study of quayside container cranes ' vibration caused by wind load

  9. 岸边集装箱起重机金属结构疲劳寿命研究

    Research on the Fatigue Life of Metal Structures of Shore Container Cranes

  10. 对岸边集装箱起重机原型系统,进行了详细的描述。

    It describes the original system of port container crane .

  11. 岸边集装箱起重机剩余寿命及其损伤形式的研究

    The Research of Quayside Container Crane Structure 's Residual Life and Injury

  12. 超巴拿马型岸边集装箱起重机发展的新趋势

    The New Development Trend of Super-Banama Type Quay Container Crane

  13. 基于面向对象技术的岸边集装箱起重机仿真训练器系统建模

    System modeling of port container crane training simulator based on object-oriented method

  14. 岸边集装箱起重机整机船运中连接失效分析研究

    Link Failure Analytic Study on Quayside Container Crane during Complete Machine Shipping

  15. 岸边集装箱起重机风载荷数值模拟研究

    Study on Numerical Simulation to Wind-Load to Quayside Container Crane

  16. 岸边集装箱起重机电控与操纵仿真系统设计

    Designs of Simulation Systems for Electric Container Bank Cranes

  17. 岸边集装箱起重机静力及疲劳分析

    Static and fatigue analysis of quayside container crane

  18. 岸边集装箱起重机是起重机的一种。

    Quayside container crane is a crane .

  19. 为适应船舶不断大型化的要求,岸边集装箱起重机也不断大型化。

    Quayside container crane has been becoming bigger to meet larger vessel 's handling requirements .

  20. 岸边集装箱起重机(简称岸桥)是集装箱码头进行装卸作业的主要设备。

    The shore container crane is the main equipment for handling operation in container terminal .

  21. 采用双小车岸边集装箱起重机集装箱码头平面布局研究

    Research on the Plane Layout of Container Terminal Adopting the Double Trolley Quayside Container Cranes

  22. 岸边集装箱起重机斜撑端部约束形式的改进对其共振风速的影响

    Influence of improvement to quayside crane supporting bar restriction on the bar resonance due to wind

  23. 塑性理论在双小车岸边集装箱起重机转载平台面板设计中的应用平行运送旋臂起重机

    Application of plasticity theory into design of transit platform 's panel in double trolley quayside container crane

  24. 提出一种以臂桥架变幅系统为主要工作机构的岸边集装箱起重机。

    A new-type quayside container crane with jib-bridge luffing system as the main working part is brought out .

  25. 针对岸边集装箱起重机的设计,本文分析了基于功能分解的产品族设计方法和基于变异的产品族设计方法。

    For the design of Container crane , product family design based functional decomposition of products and variation is analyzed .

  26. 减小和防止集装箱及吊具的摇摆是提高岸边集装箱起重机(以下简称岸桥)装卸效率的一个重要环节。

    The effect of restriction improvement on the resonant velocity of wind of the round-section bar in quayside container crane ;

  27. 这个出口项目包括两台四十吨岸边集装箱起重机和三台轮胎式龙门起重机。

    This export project includes two sets of 40 ton dock container cranes and 3 sets of wheel-type gantry cranes .

  28. 岸边集装箱起重机吊具减摆装置岸边集装箱桥式起重机仿真训练器吊具碰撞分析

    Anti-sway device of spreader for quayside container crane Analysis of collision between spreader and container in quayside container crane training simulator system

  29. 建立了岸边集装箱起重机大车部件配置系统的基本框架并对其系统功能模块进行了分析。

    Build a configuration system 's basic framework of Container Crane 's Gantry , and analyze product configuration system 's functional model .

  30. 岸边集装箱起重机是专业化集装箱码头的主要船舶装卸设备。岸边集装箱起重机大车操作安全分析

    Quayside container cranes are the main handling equipments for ships in specialized container terminal . Gantry operation safety analysis of quayside container cranes