
mín jiāng
  • the Minjiang River;Min River
岷江 [mín jiāng]
  • [Min River] 中国长江上游支流,在四川省中部,发源于岷山南麓,在宜宾汇入长江,全长 793 公里,是长江水量最大的支流。有名的古代水利工程都江堰就在岷江,大渡河为其最大支流。水力资源蕴藏量占长江水系的 1/5

岷江[mín jiāng]
  1. 清代岷江流域洪灾成因略论

    Reasons for the Minjiang River Basin 's Flood in the Qing Dynasty

  2. 岷江流域不同土地利用方式下紫色土有机碳储量特征

    Soil Organic Carbon Storage of Purplish Soil in Different Land Uses in the Minjiang River Valley , Sichuan

  3. 基于GIS下的岷江干旱河谷地区泥石流发生域危险性评价

    Risk Assessment of Debris Flow in Dry Valley Region of Minjiang River Basin Based on GIS

  4. GIS支持下的岷江上游流域景观格局分析

    An analysis on the landscape patterns based on the GIS technology in the Upper Min River Basin

  5. 基于遥感与GIS的岷江上游生态环境质量研究

    Research on Eco-environment Quality in the Upper Min River Basin Based on Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

  6. 川西平原岷江流域冲积性水稻土中Be和V的背景值研究

    Study background value of beryllium and vanadium in alluvial rice soil of Western Sichuan Plain

  7. GIS技术支持下的泥石流危险度区划研究&以岷江上游为例

    Research on Regionlization of Debris Flow Danger Degree Using GIS ─ A Case Study in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River

  8. 震后岷江上游地区生态旅游开发的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on Development of Ecotourism in the Upper Minjiang River after Earthquake

  9. 基于DEM的岷江断裂带构造地貌模拟

    DEM-based simulation on structural geomorphic of Minjiang fault zone

  10. 基于DEM的岷江上游数字流域的离散化

    Spatial Discretization of Digital Watershed Based on DEM for the Upper Reach of Minjiang River

  11. 基于GIS和DEM岷江流域都江堰区域河网水系的提取方法研究

    Study on method for extraction of river network in Dujiangyan area within Minjiang River Basin based on GIS and DEM

  12. 岷江百合花发育全长cDNA文库的构建及EST-SSR标记的建立

    Construction on Full-length cDNA Library and EST-SSR Markers of Lilium Regale Wilson

  13. 利用不同分辨率卫星影像的NDVI数据估算叶面积指数(LAI)&以岷江上游为例

    Derivation and validation of leaf area index maps using NDVI data of different resolution satellite imageries

  14. 使用GC-MS仪对大渡河和岷江流域的四个不同居群的岷江柏叶精油进行了化学组分研究。

    The essential oil of the foliage from four Cupressus chenegiana populations distributed in Minjiang and Daduhe rivers was analyzed by GC-MS.

  15. 以岷江上游土地资源适宜性评价为研究对象,利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,建立了该地区的土地资源基础信息库;

    The study of suitability assessment of land resources in the upper reaches of Minjiang and the application of GIS technique to the research lead to the establishment of basic information warehouse of land resources in the area .

  16. 研究以地理信息系统(GIS)软件为技术平台,通过纸质地形图栅格-失量转换,实现岷江断裂带地区高程数据库建立;

    Based on the techno-platform of Geographic Information System ( GIS ), by conversing from raster to vector of papery topographic map , this paper realizes the construction of digital elevation database of Minjiang Fault Zone ( MFZ ) .

  17. 岷江上游近50a土地覆被的变化趋势

    A Study on 50a Land Use and Cover Change of Watershed of Upper Minjiang River

  18. 但是,岷江在进入乐山市境内后的一段河流中其水环境容量为负值,具体测算结果为COD的环境容量为-25057.25t/a,氨氮环境容量-2255.7t/a。

    But , the capacity in some section of Minjiang River across into Leshan is negative value , concretely , the calculation capability of COD is - 25057.25t / a , and the capacity of NH3-N is -2255.7t/a .

  19. 在对岷江流域水环境现状和存在的问题进行深入分析的基础上,建立了岷江流域水环境管理的PDCA循环和反馈控制模式。

    The author analyzes the water environment situation and the existing problems deeply , builds the PDCA recycle and feedback control model of the water environment of MinJiang river .

  20. 在TM遥感图像解译和地形图分析的基础上,结合野外观察,研究了川西岷江上游深切河谷地形地貌特征,认为岷江河谷晚新生代的下切历史分为2个阶段。

    Based on the Landsat TM imagery interpretation and topographic analysis and coupled with field observations , this paper describes the morpho-structural and topographic characteristics of the deep-incised river valleys along the Minjiang upstream and proposes a 2-stage evolution model of the valley incision processes .

  21. 用ISSR分子标记研究川产道地药用植物川芎的遗传多样性5.12汶川地震对岷江上游河道的影响以都江堰汶川河段为例

    ISSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity of the Traditional Chinese Medicinal Plant Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort . ; River Channel Change of the Upper of Minjiang River by 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake : A Case Study of the Section of Dujiangyan-Wenchuan

  22. 调查了岷江上游20a龄油松人工林样方17个(20m×20m),测定了油松生长参数、林下植被的植物物种多样性和盖度,以分析油松生长和群落结构变化的密度效应。

    Seventeen plots ( 20 m × 20 m ) of 20-year-old Chinese pine ( Pinus tabulaeformis ) plantations were investigated for tree growth parameters , plant species diversity , and coverage of shrub and herbaceous layers in the upper reaches of the Min River in southwestern China .

  23. 犍为岷江大桥斜拉桥换索设计与施工

    Design & Construction of Cable Changes of Qianwei Minjiang Cable-Stayed Bridge

  24. 岷江上游多级多期崩滑堵江事件初步研究

    Study on Landslide Damming of River in Upper of Minjiang River

  25. 区域植被恢复对生态安全的影响预测&以岷江上游干旱河谷为例

    Impacts prediction of regional vegetation restoration on ecological security Ecological Justice

  26. 岷江干旱河谷主要灌丛类型地上生物量研究

    Aboveground biomass of main shrubs in dry valley of Minjiang River

  27. 犍为岷江大桥换索工程计算与分析

    Calculation and Analysis for Cable Replacement Work of Qianwei Minjiang Bridge

  28. 岷江上游生态脆弱性分析及评价

    Study on Eco-environmental Fragility and Assessment in Upper Reaches of Minjiang River

  29. 岷江上游历史文化景观与环境动因

    The Historical Culture-landscape and the Environmental Cause of the Upper Minjiang River

  30. 岷江流域冷杉树干液流的动态变化规律

    The Dynamics of Stem Sap Flow of Abies fabric in Minjiang Valley