
  • 网络focal epilepsy
  1. 什么原因导致局灶性癫痫发作?

    What Causes Seizure in Focal Epilepsy ?

  2. 癫痫控制情况:在4U/1S组的热凝,能有效地控制急性局灶性癫痫。

    Seizure control : Acute focal epilepsy could be effectively controlled when the thermocoagulation power and duration is 4U / 1S .

  3. 儿童皮层性局灶性癫痫发作的定量可视化发作性硬膜下EEG变化

    Quantitative visualization of ictal subdural EEG changes in children with neocortical focal seizures

  4. 局灶性癫痫全脑T2图证实存在潜在的异常

    Whole-brain T2 mapping demonstrates occult abnormalities in focal epilepsy

  5. 3T相控阵MRI改善局灶性癫痫的术前评估:一项前瞻性研究

    3T phased array MRI improves the presurgical evaluation in focal epilepsies : A prospective study

  6. 3通过比较MST及皮层热凝治疗功能区局灶性癫痫的安全性及有效性,探讨两种术式的利与弊。

    Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the two kinds of operations by comparing the safety and effectiveness of MST with that of thermocoagulation in seizure control .

  7. 基于大脑皮层信息传输理论的局灶性癫痫脑电研究

    Studying Partial Epileptic EEG based on Information Transmission of Brain Cortex

  8. 局灶性癫痫的脑血流图特征的研究

    Study of Characteristics on Rheoencephalogram in Patients with Focal Cortical Epilepsy

  9. 局灶性癫痫的心律失常:一个前瞻性长期研究

    Cardiac arrhythmias in focal epilepsy : A prospective long-term study

  10. 目的研究特发性局灶性癫痫和全面性癫痫患儿的整体睡眠结构参数并与无癫痫的对照组比较,探讨睡眠结构与癫痫的相互关系。

    Objective To evaluate the relationship between epilepsy and sleep macrostructure in children .

  11. 具有灾难性抗磷脂综合征病史患者经氟伐他汀治疗后的局灶性癫痫发作

    Focal seizures after treatment with fluvastatin in a patient with a history of catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome

  12. 新发的成年起病且病因不明的难治性、局灶性癫痫持续状态的外科治疗效果

    Efficacy of surgical treatment of de novo , adult-onset , cryptogenic , refractory focal status epilepticus

  13. 结论:非快速动眼睡眠期睡眠可诱发儿童癫痫发作,部分局灶性癫痫更易在非快速动眼睡眠期诱发。

    Conclusions : NREM can induce the seizure attack in children confirmed epilepsy , the type of focal epilepsy were more easily induced during NREM than others .

  14. 科学日报(2010年4月13日)-局灶性癫痫,癫痫发作是由局部产生,同步神经元放电,这种放电可能蔓延整个脑。

    ScienceDaily ( Apr.13,2010 ) & In focal epilepsy , seizures are generated by a localized , synchronous neuronal electrical discharge that may spread to large portions of the brain .

  15. 尽管以往对癫痫进行了热烈的研究,但仍有一个关键问题没有得到解答:导致癫痫局灶性癫痫发作启动最早的细胞活动在是怎样的?

    In spite of intense research in the field of epilepsy , a key question remains unanswered : what are the earliest cellular events leading to the initiation of a focal seizure ?

  16. 肢体抖动性短暂性脑缺血发作是一种少见的短暂性脑缺血发作类型,极易被误诊为局灶性运动性癫痫发作或锥体外系疾病。

    Limb jitter transient ischemic attack is a rare type of transient ischemic attack ( TIA ), which is often misdiagnosed as focal motor seizure or extrapyramidal disease .