
  • 【医】urethrography
  1. 方法随机对30例BPH患者行间接法膀胱尿逆流显像,检测VUR,同时行排尿性膀胱尿道造影(MCU)。

    Methods Indirect VUR imaging and X ray micturition cystourethrography ( MCU ) were performed on 30 patients .

  2. 采用同位素直接法膀胱造影(DRC)与X线排尿式膀胱尿道造影(MCU),对22例膀胱输尿管返流(VUR)患儿进行对比检查。

    Paired X & ray micturating cystourethrography ( MCU ) and direct radionuclide cystography ( DRC ) were used to study 22 children with vesicoureteral reflux ( VUR ), observed for 27 times .

  3. 方法依据112例术前病史、体检、影像学、尿流和肛肠动力学、排尿性膀胱尿道造影(VCUG)、EMG检查评价并行脊髓手术治疗。

    Methods 112 patients were evaluated and diagnosed prospectively depending on preoperative history , physical examination , MRI , VCUG , EMG , urodynamics and underwent surgical correction .

  4. 方法采用放射性核素膀胱显像(IVRC)和(或)排尿期膀胱尿道造影(MCU)检测BPH患者88例,观察有无VUR及返流程度。

    Methods Intravenous radionuclide cystography ( IVRC ) was performed on 88 BPH patients and micturition cystourethrography on 30 to find if there was any VUR and the degree of reflux .

  5. 16例中13例经排泄性膀胱尿道造影(VCUG)检查确诊,2例经B超检查确诊,1例在尿道成形术中发现。

    Among of them , voiding cystic urethrography ( VCUG ) were performed in 13 cases , ultrasound were performed in 2 cases and 1 case was confirmed by urethroplasty .

  6. 方法:对18例经尿道造影证实的前尿道炎性狭窄患者,狭窄段长度为3~7cm,首次尿道硬性扩张后,放置F10硅胶导尿管持续软扩张1个月,同时予抗感染治疗;

    Methods : 18 patients with inflammatory anterior urethral stricture were dilated with metal sounds at the first time and 10F silicone catheter was inserted and kept for 1 month , meanwhile , antimicrobial drugs was administered .

  7. 膀胱尿道造影显示尿道修复区通畅无狭窄。

    Urethrography showed that urethral was maintained without stenosis .

  8. 常规排泄式膀胱尿道造影术对新生儿单侧多囊性肾发育不良无诊断意义

    Routine voiding cystourethrography is of no value in neonates with unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney

  9. 尿道造影显示中、下极肾集合系统有一小叶充盈缺损。

    Urographic phase images demonstrate a lobular filling defect in the mid and lower pole collecting system .

  10. 术后随访时分别行逆行尿道造影,尿道镜和尿流率检查。结果本组患者术后随访6~36个月,平均17个月。

    The patients were followed-up for 6 ~ 36 months ( 17 months on average ) by retrograde urethrography , urethroscopy , and uroflometry .

  11. 结果:3例女童术后均排尿通畅,最大尿流率为19.6~24.4ml/s,平均为20.5ml/s,尿道造影示尿道通畅。

    Result : Girls voided well after operation with urinary peak flow 19.6 - 24.4 ml / s , mean 20.5 ml / s. Urethrography shows good .

  12. 8例患者手术前后行排尿期膀胱尿道造影,证实术后前列腺部尿道及膀胱颈完整,尿道较术前明显增宽。

    The cystourethrography revealed that the urethra and bladder neck were intact in 8 patients postoperatively . Furthermore , the prostatic urethra was obviously wider after modified MPC .

  13. 方法:①膀胱尿道造影:测定患者膀胱尿道后角:<100°判定为正常,>100°判定为异常。

    METHODS : ① Cystourethrography : Patient 's posterior urethrovesical angle was determined and considered as normal if it was < 100 °, and abnormal if > 100 ° .

  14. 分型标准:膀胱尿道造影分型标准:Ⅰ型:膀胱尿道后角消失,尿道倾斜角<45°,最大尿道关闭压>20cmH2O;

    Classification standard : Cystourethrography classification standard : type ⅰ refers to posterior urethrovesical angle vanished with urethral tilt angle < 45 ° and the biggest urethra closure pressure > 20 cmH2O ;

  15. 先行逆行尿道造影后,支架置入前列腺部位尿道内,术后3天、2周和1个月造影复查,取病理检查。

    Results : Urethrography showed no obstruction after stenting at 3 days , 2 weeks and 1 month , migration of stent occurred in 1 case , pathology showed that the stent was in close contact with urethra .

  16. 方法1995年10月至2002年10月,因排尿困难就诊的男性患者39例,经尿动力学检查、排尿期膀胱尿道造影及尿道扩张器探查尿道等确诊为功能性膀胱出口梗阻。

    Methods From October 1995 to October 2002,39 male patients ( age range from 24 to 48 years , with a mean of 37 years ) who had dysuria and underwent urodynamic examination , cystourethrography and urethral exploration were diagnosed with functional bladder outlet obstruction .

  17. 尿道CT造影三维重建测量结果显示尿道狭窄(闭锁)的长度为2.69±0.47cm。

    Three-dimensional reconstruction of CT angiography measurement showed the distance of urethral stenosis ( atresia ) was 2.69 ± 0.47 cm .

  18. 逆行尿道声学造影对尿道疾病的诊断

    Diagnosis of Urethral Diseases with Urethral Retrograde Contrast Sonography

  19. 儿童后尿道瓣膜造影诊断及球囊治疗

    Posterior urethra valves in children : diagnosis with cysto-urethrography and effect of ballooning therapy

  20. 目的:探讨逆行尿道声学造影在尿道疾病方面的诊断价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the value of urethral retrograde contrast sonography in the diagnosis of urethral diseases .

  21. 58例术前作尿道逆行造影,结果:后尿道断裂19例,膀胱破裂39例。

    Among 58 cases of pre-operative retrograde urethrography , 19 cases were posterior urethral disruption , 39 cases were bladder rupture .

  22. 方法:用逆行尿道声学造影检查25例尿道疾病患者。同时作X线尿道造影、尿道镜、排尿法尿道声学造影进行对比。

    Methods : Twenty five cases of urethral diseases underwent urethral retrograde contrast sonography and other ways ( X radial urethral contrast , urethroscope and emiction way of urethral contrast ) .

  23. 应用尿道镜、X线尿道造影观察再造尿道和正常尿道。

    The inner wall of the neo-urethra and normal urethra were observed through urography and urethroscope .

  24. 此外,如果有伤害的证据下泌尿道,尿道和膀胱造影阳性对照的主张。

    Additionally , if there is evidence of lower urinary tract injury , positive contrast urethrography and cystography are advocated .

  25. 方法:对40例尿道损伤患者进行尿道造影及临床分类,并按其分类进行相应的处理。

    Methods : Standard of X ray diagnosis was adopted for clinical division . Retrograde urethrography was performed for 40 cases of urethral injury .

  26. 21例后尿道瓣膜患儿术后排尿性膀胱尿道造影复查显示瓣膜完全消失,无尿道狭窄;

    In follow-up , 21 posterior urethral valves totally disappeared in voiding cystourethrogram , the children could micturate easily without any stricture .

  27. 结论:对单纯前尿道瓣膜的诊断,尿道镜检较膀胱尿道造影更有意义。

    Conclusions : Urethroscopy is superior to cystourethrography in diagnosis of anterior urethral valve .

  28. 当怀疑有尿道损伤,在行导尿术之前,应先行逆行尿道造影。

    When a urethral injury is suspected , a retrograde urethrogram should be completed before catheterization is performed .

  29. 结果重型尿道下裂146例确诊伴发前列腺囊18例(12.3%),其中尿道造影证实13例,手术探查证实5例。

    Results Of the 146 severe hypospadias patients , 18 cases of utricles were diagnosed . 13 cases were diagnosed by VCU , and 5 cases by exploratory operation .

  30. 目的研究男性正常尿道与异常尿道在静止期的形态走行并探讨其临床意义;评价超声氧气逆行尿道造影(UORU)在男性尿道疾病诊断中的临床应用价值。

    Objective To study the form of the normal and abnormal male urethra in quiescent period and its clinical significance and to evaluate the clinical application of ultrasound oxygen retrograde urethrography ( UORU ) in urethra disease .