
  • 网络urethral injury;injury of the urethra;Urethral Trauma
  1. 女性尿道损伤及其后遗症的治疗

    Treatment of female urethral trauma

  2. 总结了17例女性尿道损伤的特点及治疗经验。

    The experience of the treatment and the clinical characteristics of 17 cases of female urethral trauma were reported in this article .

  3. 方法:用Tile骨折分类法对36例后尿道损伤患者的骨盆骨折进行分类;

    Methods : 36 cases of posterior urethral injuried patients were studied , and distinguish the type of pelvic fracture according to Tile .

  4. 小儿闭合性尿道损伤的早期诊断和治疗

    Early diagnosis and treatment of closed urethral injury in the infant

  5. 留置气囊尿管致尿道损伤的原因分析

    Cause analysis of urethral injury induced by indwelling balloon urinary catheter

  6. 骨盆骨折类型与后尿道损伤的相关性研究

    The association between classification of pelvic fractures with posterior urethral injuries

  7. 15例气囊导尿管致医源性尿道损伤的原因及预防

    Prevention of iatrogenic urethral injury caused by Foley catheter in 15 cases

  8. 62例骨盆骨折合并尿道损伤的护理观察

    Nursing of 62 Cases of Urethral Injury Complicating Pelvic Fracture

  9. 纤维膀胱镜治疗尿道损伤13例分析

    13 Cases Analysis About The Treatment of Urethra Damnification By Fibre Cystoscope

  10. 尿道损伤134例

    Diagnosis and treatment of urethral injury : a report of 134 cases

  11. 尿道损伤的X线分类及临床应用

    Apply of classification of X-ray for urethral injury in clinic

  12. 尿道损伤的分类处理244例分析

    Analysis of 244 cases of urethral injury managed by classification

  13. 后尿道损伤的早期、亚早期手术治疗

    Early and sub-early stage surgical treatment of posterior urethral injury

  14. 16例气囊导尿管致尿道损伤病人的护理

    Nursing care of 16 patients with urethral injury induced by balloon catheter

  15. 儿童后尿道损伤的诊断与治疗

    Diagnosis and treatment of childhood posterior urethral injuries : 55 cases report

  16. 尿道损伤手术方法探讨

    An Discussion on Methods of Operation on Urethra Injury

  17. 破裂出血的脑动静脉畸形急症治疗男童后尿道损伤的急症治疗(附22例报告)

    Emergency operation of intracerebral hemorrhage due to rupture of cerebral arteriovenous malformation .

  18. 骨盆骨折后尿道损伤及后尿道狭窄

    Posterior Urethral Injuries and Urethral Strictures after Pelvic Fracture

  19. 渗出液肌酐测定在泌尿道损伤时的价值

    Significance of detecting transudate creatinine in urinary tract injury

  20. 263例后尿道损伤的早期治疗

    Early management of 263 cases of posterior urethral injury

  21. 21例小儿后尿道损伤的急症处理

    The Emergency Treatment of Posterior Urethral Injury in Children

  22. 骨盆骨折合并尿道损伤的观察及护理

    Observation and Nursing of pelivs Fracture With Urethra Injury

  23. 损伤严重程度评分在尿道损伤救治中的作用

    Role of injury severity score ( ISS ) in urgent management of urethral injury

  24. 尿道损伤163例的早期治疗

    Immediate Management for 163 Cases with Urethral Injury

  25. 女性尿道损伤9例临床分析

    Analysis of 9 Cases of Female Urethra Injury

  26. 术后无阴道残端出血及泌尿道损伤等并发症。

    No urinary tract injuries , vaginal bleeding , or other postoperative complications occurred .

  27. 5/26前尿道损伤,21/26后尿道损伤。

    Of 26 patients were the proximal urethral injury , others-were posterior urethral injury .

  28. 尿道损伤早期手术方式的选择与改进

    Choice and improvement of surgical method in the early stage of the urethral injury

  29. 目的讨论女性尿道损伤后的声像图表现,探讨腔内超声探测技术在检测该病时的应用价值。

    Objective To discuss the value and appearance of endosonography in detecting female urethral injury .

  30. 方法回顾性分析34例后尿道损伤伴膀胱破裂的诊断及治疗结果。

    Methods Thirty four cases were analyzed .