
  1. 北京西山(小西山)风景区是北京五大绿色生态功能区之一,位于北京市民最喜欢的20个京郊旅游景点之首。

    The Xishan Scenic Spot is one of five biggest ecological functional areas , as well as the head of 20 best scenic sites in Beijing suburbs which Beijing citizen like very much .

  2. 由于小西山的地理位置,决定了小西山森林经营定位必须是建设以社会效益为中心兼顾其它效益的风景游憩林,对原有森林按照风景游憩林的标准和要求进行抚育势在必行。

    At present forest in West Mountain has very low scenic attraction , thus forest tending based on scenic and recreational forest characteristics and centered on social benefit while giving attention to other ones is of great necessity due to its special location in Beijing .

  3. 在前人物候季节划分研究的基础上,提出了划分自然景观季节的物候频率分布型法,并利用北京小西山山前一带物候历中的资料,将当地的物候季节划分为12个季段。

    In this paper the authors advance a new method called Phenological Frequency Distribution Pattern for determining the seasonality of natural landscapes and divide the phenological season in the foot area of the West Hill of Beijing into 12 stages using the data of the local phenological calendar .