
xiǎo yǎn miàn
  • ommatidium;facet;latuscula
小眼面[xiǎo yǎn miàn]
  1. 蝶类复眼小眼面表面超微结构的比较研究

    A comparative study on the surface ultrastructure of ommatidium in butterflies

  2. 结果雄蛉复眼由13~16个小眼面组成,雌蛉由16~21个小眼面组成,色素变浅;

    Results The compound eyes with light color pigment were composed of 13-16 ocelli in male and 16-21 ocelli in female .

  3. 发现小眼面表面覆盖着均匀的小圆形凸起颗粒,在中央处有一由凹凸及纹褶构成的特殊结构。

    The ommatidial surface was revealed to be covered evenly with small round convex particles . A special concavoconvex structure formed by striae was situated in the middle of ommatidium .

  4. 结果表明正常复眼由数千小眼集合而成,小眼面为正方形,呈网格状整齐排列,表面清洁饱满,没有任何毛状突起。

    The results show that a compound eye is composed of some thousands of ommatidia which present square in shape on the surface and seem grid and very clean and full without any gaily .