
  • 网络TOMAKOMAI;komaki;lmuge;shepherd
  1. 认为我国建立石油储备基地对国民经济的发展和建设十分重要,应借鉴和参考日本苫小牧国家石油储备库的管理体制和方法,以进行这方面的工作。

    The author considers that it is very important for China to establish the petroleum reserves for the national economy development of China , and China should study the experiences of Japan in the management system and construction technology in this field .

  2. 牧区(风沙区)具有人口密度小,林牧矛盾突出的特点。大群体中则稳定下降、波动较小。

    The social and economic characteristics in pastoral area are small population density and great contradiction between forestry and animal husbandry .