
  • 网络The Little House
  1. 在广阔的网络世界里,我有了自己的小小的家。

    I have this small home in the big internet world .

  2. 我只是必须一个小小的家就满足了。

    I just want a little place somewhere to hang my hat .

  3. 在他们蹒跚学步时,他把他们邀请到自己的工作场所和自己小小的家中。

    As they became toddlers , he invited them to his workplace and his small home .

  4. 我逐渐喜欢那个小小的渔民之家,他们的传统是那样具有代表性,那样诚实,也富有乡土气息。

    We grew to love that little Greek fishing family-so typical of heritage , so earthy , so honest were they .

  5. ??晚间,当小小的加伊在家里、衣服脱了一半的时候,他就爬到窗旁的椅子上去,从那个小窥孔朝外望。

    In the evening , when little Kay was at home , and half undressed , he climbed up on the chair by the window , and peeped out of the little hole .

  6. 作为一个小小的例子,数家金融公司应景地推出了“超级安全”的投资工具(往往还收取高额费用)。

    In response , as one example among many , several financial firms market " ultra-safe " investment vehicles ( often with considerable fees attached ) .