
  1. 如今,中国的对外直接投资存量占国内生产总值(GDP)之比只有区区7%,相比之下,美国的这个比率为38%,日本达到20%,德国达到47%。

    Today , its stock of outbound FDI as a proportion of gross domestic product stands at just 7 per cent , compared with 38 per cent for the US , 20 per cent for Japan and 47 per cent for Germany .

  2. 年均40%的对外直接投资存量增速,80%的投资存量为采矿、批发零售、租赁商务服务、金融业。

    The annual average growth rate of stock ODI was40 % and80 % of the investment stock was for mining , wholesale and retail , leasing and commercial service , banking and insurance .

  3. 但本文的研究也还存在一些不足,如由于数据有限而不能采用各行业的面板数据对各行业的对外直接投资存量、研发资本存量及研发人力资本存量与全要素生产率之间的关系进行检验。

    However , this thesis also existed some disadvantages , such as the data collection was limited and caused the fact that the panel data was not enough to inspect the relationship among the foreign direct investment capital , R & D capital , human capital and total factor .

  4. 服务业跨国公司的对外直接投资已占世界对外直接投资总的存量和流量的一半以上。

    In the gross stock and outflow of worldwide FDI , the scale of service multinationals has already accounted for more than one half .