
  • 网络Andalusia;Andalusian;Andalucia;Andalucía
  1. 这只小海豚跟丢了它的妈妈,在安达卢西亚地区莫雅克海岸附近的浅水区搁浅。

    It had lost its mother and become stranded in shallow waters off the coast of Mojacar in Andalucia .

  2. 例如,今年春天拉霍伊曾经推迟一项预算,以期赢得安达卢西亚的一轮选举。

    Last spring , for example , he delayed a budget in the hopes of winning a round of elections in Andalucia .

  3. 第五天和第六天里,游客们会被带往安达卢西亚的更南处,深入软木橡树国家公园(LosAlcornocalesNationalPark),这是西班牙境内软木橡树森林覆盖面积最大的国家公园。

    Days 5 and 6 take travelers farther south to Andalusia , into Los Alcornocales National Park , the largest national park in Spain housing cork forestry .

  4. 陶器是他的灵感来自安达卢西亚的主题和Sejenane和传统的杰尔巴的柏柏尔。

    His pottery is inspired by Andalusian themes and the Berber traditions of Sejenane and Jerba .

  5. 有什么比安达卢西亚惬意之旅更令人留恋?

    What could be more fascinating than a leisurely trip through the countryside of Andalusia ?

  6. 这些人跟当地的安达卢西亚人一起,被迫在安达卢西亚山区避难。

    Along with native andalucians , they were forced to take refuge in the Andalucian mountains .

  7. 深沉之歌。你记得吗,我们说过,这在安达卢西亚地区的西班牙语中代表“深沉之歌”?

    The Cante Jondo . You remember we said it means " deep song " in Andalusian Spanish ?

  8. 从西班牙南部落小城朴素的风光、西班牙自由奔放的人民和安达卢西亚这个东西方融合的圣地,这三个方面分析毛姆建构的西班牙世界。

    From three aspects , such as the plain scenery of south Spain , the people and the East-West fusion of Andalusian .

  9. 可以说西班牙海鲜饭是西班牙最著名的菜肴了,但是想要吃低卡路里食物的话,还是选择安达卢西亚的凉菜汤吧。

    Paella is arguably Spain 's most famous dish but for a low-calorie option , eat this chilled vegetable soup from Andalusia .

  10. 负责人说最初从安达卢西亚南部的消息称这位妇女是在国外通过试管受精方式怀孕。

    Originally from the southern region of Andalucia , the woman had previously undergone in vitro fertilization abroad , the official said .

  11. 摩尔人在公元8世纪侵略西班牙的穆斯林人成员之一,直到15世纪晚期才在安达卢西亚建立文明社会。

    One of the Moslems who invaded Spain in the8th century and established a civilization in Andalusia that lasted until the late15th century .

  12. 干旱还严重影响安达卢西亚当地橄榄、小麦、玉米和其它谷物的产量,同时也引发了后果惨重的森林火灾。

    The drought has ruined the olive crop in southern Andalucia and led to a shortage of wheat , corn and other grains .

  13. 中世纪时期的安达卢西亚是欧洲乃至整个世界范围内民族成份最复杂、宗教矛盾最激烈和文化种类最多样的地区之一。

    Medieval Andalusia is one of the most complex regions in Europe and even the whole world for its ethnic , religious and cultural diversity .

  14. 弗拉门戈被视为西班牙传统文化中的一部分,其实起源于西班牙南部的自治区安达卢西亚,是当时吉普赛人跳的一种舞蹈。

    Flamenco is a style of music and dance which is considered part of the culture of Spain , although it is actually native to only one region : Andalusia .

  15. 卡苏出生在西班牙的毕尔巴鄂,父亲来自法国的贝阿恩,母亲来自西班牙的安达卢西亚。在二战前,他把法语引入了西班牙先锋派运动。

    Born in Bilbao to a father from B é arn and a mother from Andalusia , he introduced the French to the Spanish avant - garde before the war .

  16. 橄榄油对于西班牙一些最贫困地区非常重要,包括最大产区安达卢西亚,上个季度,该地区失业率飙升至33%。

    The crop is critical for some of the poorest areas of Spain , including top producing region Andalucia , where the unemployment rate last quarter surged to 33 per cent .

  17. 书中尽管以圣露西亚岛开始,但逐渐延伸至他所称为的“旧欧洲”&卡普里岛、西西里岛,安达卢西亚和阿姆斯特丹。

    Although the book begins in St Lucia , it goes on to range widely around what he calls " old Europe " & Capri , Sicily , Andalucia and Amsterdam .

  18. 在约旦河西岸,你可以看到大片城市发展建设,工程规模超过了欧洲任何地方(或许只有信贷危机前的西班牙南部安达卢西亚海岸才比得上)。

    In the west bank you see more construction of large urban developments than I have seen anywhere in Europe ( apart from perhaps the southern Andalusia coast before the credit crunch ) .