
  • 网络Ernst & Young;ernst young;Ernst and Young;E&Y
  1. 安永发现,在该中心工作的一些工作人员尚未通过高度审查(developedvetting,简称DV),即最全面的安全审查,尽管其人数已减至两人。

    Ernst Young found some staff working at the centre without developed vetting clearance the most comprehensive type of security vetting although this has now been reduced to just two .

  2. 供应链专家对此表示赞同。安永(ErnstYoung)的研究突显出,制造企业为何可能有多达70%的碳足迹,源自运输以及供应链中的其它成本。

    Supply chain experts agreed , with Ernst Young underlining how as much as 70 per cent of a manufacturing company 's carbon footprint can come from transport and other costs in its supply chain .

  3. 随后她进入匹兹堡市的安永会计事务所(Ernst&Young)担任咨询师。几年后跳槽到海湾石油公司(GulfOil)。

    She became a consultant at Ernst & Young in Pittsburgh and moved to Gulf Oil several years later .

  4. 安永(ErnstandYoung)上周宣布辞去该公司审计师职务。

    Ernst and Young resigned as its auditor last week .

  5. 安永CEO谈企业海外上市

    Chairman of EY : about Chinese Enterprises Listing Offshore

  6. 从安永最近所做的一项普调看BASELII对银行业的影响

    The Impact of Basel II on Banking-Based on a Survey by Ernst & Young

  7. 例如,IBM在周五下午不再举行会议,而安永(Ernst&Young)和花旗(Citigroup)也为员工提供了更为灵活的工作时间安排。

    IBM now has meeting-free Friday afternoons , for example , and Ernst & Young and Citigroup offer flexible scheduling .

  8. 他的国际咨询经验包括:凯捷(CapGemini),安永(Ernst&Young)和埃森哲(Accenture)。

    His experience within global management consulting includes Cap Gemini , Ernst & Young , and Accenture .

  9. 事实上,安永会计师事务所(Ernst&Young)去年进行的一项调查显示,工作场所的灵活性被视为最重要的福利(仅次于现金和补贴)。

    In fact , it was ranked as the most important perk ( after cash and benefits ) in an EY survey last year .

  10. 安永(Ernst&Young)驻伦敦的雇主品牌主管理查德•乔丹(RichardJordan)表示:学习曲线产生效果的时间大大缩短了。

    The learning curve for becoming effective is much shorter , says Richard Jordan , head of employer brand at Ernst & Young in London .

  11. 根据安永统计俱乐部(ErnstYoungITEMClub)的季度预测,经济已经走出借债的十年,进入痛苦调整的十年。

    The economy has moved out of a decade of debt and into a decade of painful readjustment , according to the quarterly forecast from the Ernst Young Item Club .

  12. 安永(ErnstYoung)税务合伙人彭绍龙(SamPang)帮助广州政府起草了税收执行手册,在今年1月的那次会议上分发给了与会者。

    Sam Pang , a tax partner at Ernst Young , is helping Guangzhou draft a tax enforcement brochure to give companies at the January meeting .

  13. 2012年,德奈弗被世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)评为“全球青年领袖”(YoungGlobalShapers),2013年,他又荣获安永年度企业家奖(Ernst&YoungEntrepreneuroftheYear)。

    In 2012 , driver was recognized by the world economic forum as one of its young global shapers , and in 2013 he was a finalist in the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the year awards .

  14. 除了安永、普华永道、梦工厂、微软公司、谷歌和Facebook,LinkedIn目前已经创建了他们自己的项目,名为孵化器。

    Aside from EY , PwC , DreamWorks , Microsoft , Google and Facebook , LinkedIn has now created their own program called [ in ] cubator .

  15. 最近,我在安永会计师事务所(Ernst&Young's)近期举办的“战略增长”论坛上见到了杜坎,她在其中一个座谈会上就交互技术发表了演讲。

    I saw Dugan speak on a panel about Interactive Technology at Ernst & Young 's recent Strategic Growth Forum .

  16. 两名与这起收购关系密切的人士透露,此次交易的尽职调查是由德勤(deloitte)和安永(ernst&young)完成的。

    Deloitte and Ernst & Young conducted due diligence for the transaction , according to two people close to the deal .

  17. 安永会计师事务所(ErnstYoung)的一项管理审计显示,该中心已经足够独立于华为公司,这将化解有关该中心及其工作人员完全由这家中资集团资助的担忧。

    A management audit by Ernst Young showed the centre was sufficiently independent from Huawei , which will address concerns about the centre and its staff being fully funded by the Chinese group .

  18. 咨询机构安永(EY)2014年进行的一项研究发现,全球有三分之二的投资者会对企业披露的非财务信息进行评估。

    A 2014 study by the consultants EY found that two-thirds of global investors evaluate non-financial disclosures .

  19. 安永会计师事务所(Ernst&Young)的一项管理审计显示,该中心已经足够独立于华为公司,这将化解有关该中心及其工作人员完全由这家中资集团资助的担忧。

    A management audit by Ernst & Young showed the centre was sufficiently independent from Huawei , which will address concerns about the centre and its staff being fully funded by the Chinese group .

  20. 咨询公司安永(EY)估计,到2025年,联网汽车市场产生的收入预计将达到250亿美元。

    Revenues from connected cars are expected to reach $ 25bn by 2025 , according to consultancy EY .

  21. 会计师事务所安永(Ernst&Young)的雇员品牌负责人理查德•乔丹(RichardJordan)表示:我们的办公桌政策较为灵活,因为许多人是在客户那边工作。

    Richard Jordan , head of employer brand at Ernst & Young , the accountancy firm , says : We have a flexible desk policy as a lot of people work out at clients .

  22. 安永发现,在该中心工作的一些工作人员尚未通过“高度审查”(developedvetting,简称DV),即最全面的安全审查,尽管其人数已减至两人。

    Ernst & Young found some staff working at the centre without developed vetting clearance - the most comprehensive type of security vetting - although this has now been reduced to just two .

  23. 安永的这份报告称,与新兴市场日益高涨的上市活动相反,发达市场的ipo规模则有所下滑,原因可能是信贷危机引发的不确定性。

    In contrast to the rising activity in emerging markets , IPO volumes by developed markets have declined , possibly because of the uncertainty caused by the credit squeeze , the E & Y report said .

  24. 1995年感恩节假期期间,威尔逊刚刚从安永会计师事务所(Ernst&Young)加拿大分公司专业发展主管任上提前退休,正在考虑重返教师岗位,突然接到了光辉国际咨询顾问公司(Korn/Ferry)一位猎头打来的电话。

    He had left his job as national director of professional development and was thinking of returning to teaching when he got a call from a Korn / Ferry headhunter during the Thanksgiving Day holiday in 1995 .

  25. 企业才刚刚意识到,几乎或根本没有保密政策来管理敏感数据,是十分危险的,安永技术与安全风险服务主管理查德•布朗(RichardBrown)表示。

    Businesses are only just waking up to the dangers of having little or no privacy policy in place for managing sensitive data , said Richard Brown , head of technology and security risk services at Ernst & Young .

  26. 中国是按票房收入和银幕数量衡量全球第二大电影市场,仅次于美国。安永(Ernst&Young)预计,到2020年,中国将在票房收入和银幕数量方面双双超过北美市场。

    China is the world 's second-largest movie market by box-office revenue and number of screens , behind the U.S. China is expected to eclipse North America by both measures by 2020 , according to Ernst & Young .

  27. 安永合伙人史蒂夫佩恩(StevePayne)指出,货币币值和大宗商品价格的波动以及经济的深度衰退,都是导致恶化的因素。

    Steve Payne , a partner at Ernst Young , pointed to the volatility in currency and commodity prices as a factor as well as the depth of the recession .

  28. 安永(ernst&young)近日发布报告称,新兴经济体今年第三季度的首次公开发行(ipo)活动达到创纪录水平,部分抵消了其它地区发行活动下滑的影响,并帮助支撑了全球新股发行市场。

    Record levels of initial public offerings in emerging economies partially offset declines elsewhere and helped support the global new issues market in the third quarter , according to a report on the sector by Ernst & young today .

  29. 安永(ernst&young)英国和爱尔兰董事总经理斯科特候利第(scotthalliday)表示,明年的事情中,他首要考虑的是主权债券的有效性。

    Scott Halliday , managing partner of Ernst & Young in the UK and Ireland , said the validity of sovereign bonds was on " the top of his mind " for next year .

  30. 再看安永(Ernst&Young )的招聘歌:“噢快乐的一天/当安永/指引我走上更好的道路,”一群压不上拍子的会计师一边摇摆一边拍手地唱着。

    Then there was the Ernst & Young recruitment song : " Oh happy day   /   when Ernst & Young   /   Showed me a better way , " featuring accountants swaying and clapping out of time .