
  • 网络work safety standardization
  1. 受2010年国家颁布的《企业安全生产标准化基本规范》启迪,结合安全监理工作重复性、程序性等特点,本文试着建立起一套安全监理标准化文件。

    By the 2010 the state promulgated " Basic norms for work safety standardization of enterprises " inspiration , combined with the safety supervision work of repetitive , program characteristics , this paper tries to establish a set of safety supervision standardization document .

  2. 玉溪矿业公司安全生产标准化矿山的创建与发展

    Establishing and Developing of Safety Production Standardization in Yuri Mine

  3. 应用系统工程原理搞好安全生产标准化班组建设

    Application of systems engineering principles to standardized team construction for safety in production

  4. 浅谈安全生产标准化建设

    Discussions on standardization construction of safety in production

  5. 安全生产标准化的实施与效果

    Implement and effect of standardization in safety production

  6. 白银公司安全生产标准化建设的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Standardization Construction of Safety in Production for Baiyin Nonferrous Metals Corp

  7. 该指标于2007年11月通过了全国安全生产标准化技术委员会煤矿安全分技术委员会专家的评审,被批准列入国家安全生产行业标准。

    In November 2007 , the standard was approved by the experts in National Technical Committee of Standardization for Production Safety at Coal Mines , as the State Production Safety Industry Standard .

  8. 系统阐述了大冶有色金属公司安全生产标准化建设内容、安全生产标准制定准则、建设体系以及建设效果,为现代企业安全生产管理积累了经验,可供借鉴。

    The paper systematically describes the contents , formulating principles , construction system and effects of the standardization construction of safety in production in Daye nonferrous metal company . And it can be used as experiences of safety management for modern enterprises .

  9. 保证操作者在失误状态、违章和设备出现故障情况下,人身不受到伤害,实现竖井提升系统的安全生产和标准化作业。

    These equipments guarantee the operators against injury during they making mistake or violating rules and regulation or some equipment troubles tubing place and guarantee the shaft hoisting system to realize safety production and standardized operation .

  10. 建立企业内部科学的安全生产机制大力推进标准化工作把安全生产提高到一个新水平

    Enhance Occupational Safety by Operating Internal Occupational Safety Assurance System and Promoting Standardization

  11. 加快企业安全管理模式转换,加快安全生产标准化建设,是经济建设和社会发展的客观需求,也是提高企业安全管理水平的必由之路。

    To quicken enterprise 's safety management model transforming so as to set up a safety production standard management is impersonal requirement of economy construction and society developing , and also the only way to improve enterprise 's level of safety management .