
  • 网络Kongdian Group;Ezk
  1. 各项成岩强度指标显示北部洼陷带孔店组碎屑岩储层因埋深不同而处于早成岩B期至晚成岩B期。

    The clastic reservoir of Kongdian formation in the sag are in different diagenetic periods , from period B of early diagenetic stage to period B of late diagenetic stage , according to the depth .

  2. 利用裂变径迹法测定了济阳坳陷第三系馆陶组至孔店组碎屑沉积岩的年龄,并将所测年龄与古地磁极性年龄、K-Ar法同位素年龄相对比,三者基本一致。

    The age of clastic sedimentary rock of the Tertiary Guantao formation to Kongdian for - mation in the Jiyang sag was determined by using the method of fission track and compared with those ages determined by palaeo-geomagnetic polarity and K-Ar isotope , the results were almost the same .

  3. 孔店组原油为低熟油。

    The oil from Kongdian Formation is immature crude oil .

  4. 山东昌潍坳陷古近系孔店组划分与分布

    Division and distribution of the Paleogene Kongdian Formation in the Changwei sag , shandong

  5. 济阳孔店组的归属问题一直是济阳盆地演化研究的焦点。

    Attributive problem of Kongdian formation is focus of evolving research of Jiyang basin .

  6. 孔店组转型期构造演化对原型盆地的改造是渐变的。

    Kongdian transition tectonic evolution of the prototype is the gradual transformation of the basin .

  7. 构造样式包括花状构造、伸展构造以及走滑挤压产生的压扭性断鼻等。控盆断裂的右行走滑导致了孔店组一段、二段砂体向南迁移。

    Structure styles include flower structure , extensional structure and fault nose caused by slip-compression .

  8. 南斜坡孔店组及其以下的深层原油与孔店组烃源岩具有亲缘关系。

    There is consanguinity between crude oil in deeper layers and Ek ~ 2 source rock .

  9. 渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷沙四段和孔店组地层剥蚀厚度恢复

    The Estimation of the Erosion Thickness of Es_4 and Ek in Jiyang Depression , Bohai Bay Basin

  10. 因此本次研究主要讨论孔店组以上层段烃源岩的地球化学性质。

    The research mainly discusses geochemistry nature of hydrocarbon source rocks to the upper section of Kongdian formation .

  11. 建立了八面河地区孔店组油气成藏模式。

    In this paper , the hydrocarbon accumulation patterns also have been constructed for Kongdian Formation of Bamianhe area .

  12. 济阳坳陷东营惠民凹陷孔店组基本为深层勘探程度较低的层系。

    Kongdian formation of Dongying Huimin Sag in Jiyang depression is a deep formation with some hardness for petroleum exploration .

  13. 认为研究区的流体运移特征为:在孔店组上界面发生纵向运移为主,在下界面发生横向运移为次。

    These features were : the vertical migration occurred at Kongdian Group 's top interface first and the lateral migration occurred at its bottom interface next .

  14. 有利油气聚集带分布在孔店组上下界面、由构造&岩性组合而形成的圈闭和不整合面遮挡而成的地层圈闭区。

    The movement made it possible for oil and gas accumulation zone to distribute at both the top interface and the bottom interface of Kongdian Group .

  15. 孔店组二段灰、深灰色泥岩具良好的生烃能力,也是较为可靠的烃源岩。

    The grey and dark-grey mudstones in the 2nd member of Kongdian Fm have relatively good hydrocarbon-generating capacity , thus they are also relatively good source rocks .

  16. 早期沉降型埋藏区地层埋藏较深,孔店组和沙三段均具有生排烃能力,但早期排出的烃存在一个保存问题;

    In the early subsiding region , both the Kongdian Formation ( E k ) and the Shahejie Formation fall into oil window , but preservation of the expulsed oil and gas is a problem .

  17. 潍北凹陷孔店组烃源岩的热演化程度相对较低,主要处于低成熟~成熟阶段,因而用热解氢指数能较好地反映烃源岩的原始有机质类型。

    The evolution of heat degree of hydrocarbons source relatively low in Kongdian formation , which are mainly in low mature & mature stage , so IH can better reflect original organic matter type of hydrocarbons .

  18. 稠油及大部分中密度油属于低熟油,油源对比表明主要来源于孔店组二段有机质富集层烃源岩。

    The heavy oil and most of the medium-density oil are of low-mature oil , and oil-to-source correlation show that they have been sourced mainly by the source rocks in the 2 ~ ( nd ) member of Kongdian Fm with rich organic matters .

  19. 黄骅坳陷孔南地区孔店组冲积扇沉积特征及地质意义

    Alluvial fan deposits in the Kongdian Formation , Huanghua depression

  20. 孔二段生成的气运移到孔店组致密砂岩层中,形成致密砂岩气藏,研究认为孔店组致密砂岩气藏具有深盆气藏的特征。

    The gases from the second member of Kongdian formation migrate into the tight sand ; form the compact sandstone gas pool . This kind of gas pool has the characteristic of deep basin gas .