
lǎo yé
  • grandpa; grandfather
  1. 有在阴雨天和姥爷一起到乡村河湾钓鱼的喜悦

    There was the excitement of fishing in country creeks with my grandpa on cloudy days .

  2. 再说C也挺惦记姥姥、姥爷的呢。

    Besides , C misses Grandma and Grandpa quite a bit , too .

  3. (有些人年纪大了容易忘事。但我姥爷可不是这样!)

    Some people tend to forget things when they 're old . But not my granddad !

  4. 你姥爷埃德温是个军人,一个与约翰·J·潘兴一起追击潘乔·比亚迫使其返回墨西哥的职业军官。

    Grandpa Edwin was a soldier , a professional Army officer who chased Pancho Villa back to Mexico with John J. Pershing .

  5. 爷爷(姥爷)奶奶(姥姥),给您们苹果。

    Grandma , grandma , I have an apple for you .

  6. 你姥爷打麻将肯定是高手。

    CCTV Man Your grandpa must be good at playing mahjong .

  7. 我在姥爷的理发店里帮忙扫头发

    I swept up hair at my other grandfather 's barbershop .

  8. 父亲问,“你为什么说再见姥爷?”

    The father ," Why did you say good-bye grandpa ?"

  9. 谁让我九十岁姥爷的血液在我身体里面流淌着呢。

    My90-year-old grandfather 's blood is flowing in my body .

  10. 现在姥爷和我阿姨一起住在另一个城市。

    Now my grandfather is living in another city with my aunt .

  11. 明晚我们要和姥姥姥爷一起吃晚饭。

    We 're having dinner with the grandparents tomorrow night .

  12. 我们不是你后妈,是你亲姥爷。

    We are not your stepmother , your pro-grandfather .

  13. 姥姥和姥爷有妈妈和她的姐姐。

    Grandma and Grandpa had Mommy and her sister .

  14. 你知道,每个人都会去自己的爷爷奶奶或姥姥姥爷家过春节。

    You know , everyone goes to visit their grandparents on the holiday .

  15. 他们了解了有关姥爷的情况了吗?

    Did they find out anything else about grandpa ?

  16. 和姥爷度过了简单的一下午而激动的?

    Spending a simple afternoon with her grandfather ?

  17. 奶奶(姥姥)爷爷(姥爷)春节快乐,我在北京很快乐!

    Grandma and Grandpa , happy Spring Festival ! I 'm happy in Beijing .

  18. 10多年来这3个孩子一直靠他们的姥爷、姥姥养活。

    The three children have been sponging on their grandparent for over ten years .

  19. 我今天和姥爷一起去打高尔夫了。

    I went golfing with my grandfather today .

  20. 要想理解你姥爷的灵魂,读他写给我的情书吧。

    To understand your grandfather 's soul , read his loving letters to me .

  21. 上帝保佑姥姥;再见姥爷。

    God bless Grandma and good-bye Grandpa .

  22. 我也不爱你姥爷,愿上帝让他灵魂安息。

    And I didn 't exactly love your grandfather , God rest his pickled soul .

  23. 和她的姥爷一起度过周末的一天。

    A weekend day with her grandfather .

  24. 这是姥姥、姥爷小时候穿的衣服。

    Those are the clothes that were worn when your grandfather and grandmother were young .

  25. 你是问我舅姥爷?

    You 're talking about my great-uncle ?

  26. 来,你给姥爷表演表演。

    Come on , show your great-grandpa .

  27. 那两个是我的姥姥姥爷。

    That 's my grandmother and grandfather .

  28. 我,妈妈,妹妹,姥姥,和姥爷一起住在乡下了。

    Me , my mom , sister and grandma and grandpa lived together in the countryside .

  29. 这些回忆是你姥爷埃德温不在我身边时写给我的信。

    These memories are the letters your grandfather Edwin wrote when he was away from me .

  30. 姥爷对邻居们也很热心,总是乐于助人。

    Grandfather is very arm-hearted to his neighbors and is al ays ready to help them .
