
  • 网络The Good Father
  1. 他或许是一位好父亲,但却是个很糟糕的丈夫。

    He may be a good father but he 's a terrible husband .

  2. 尽管我心里极想美言几句,却怎么也不能说他是位好父亲。

    With the best will in the world I could not describe him as a good father .

  3. 对我的孩子们来说,他会是个好父亲。

    He would be a good father to my children .

  4. 不喝醉的时候,爸爸是一个好父亲。

    When Dad was sober he was a good father .

  5. 他们两个人都认识到了追求理想和做个好父亲不能两者兼顾。

    They both have learnt that ambition and successful fatherhood can be mutually exclusive .

  6. 从出生的那一刻起,你就得学习融入群体,最后变成一个好父亲。

    From the time you are born you have to be socialised into being a good father .

  7. 我很难做到既兼顾工作,又达成做个好父亲的愿望。

    It 's difficult to reconcile the demands of my job and the desire to be a good father

  8. 不用说,他是个好父亲。

    It goes without saying that he is a good father .

  9. 他也是个好父亲。

    He is also a good father .

  10. Susan:我想她可能是肚子疼。他是个好父亲。

    Susan : I think she has a stomachache . He 's a good father .

  11. 好父亲,好丈夫,最忠实的职员和教徒。

    Good fathers , husbands , honest professionals and true christians .

  12. 我有一位好父亲真是太幸运了!

    How lucky I am to have such a good father !

  13. 没有他是个好父亲

    No , he didn 't. He was a fine father .

  14. 迈可说他肯定将会成为一个好父亲。

    Michael says he 's going to be a hands-on dad .

  15. 你认为一个好父亲应该具备哪些特质?

    What are some characteristics that make someone a good father ?

  16. 是的,时间处处有好父亲。

    Yes , the world is filled with good fathers .

  17. 成为我外甥杰克的好父亲

    Being a great father to my nephew , Jack .

  18. 我相信我会成为一个好父亲。

    I am sure I will make a good father .

  19. 我想我不会是个好父亲。

    I don 't think I 'd be a very good father .

  20. 听着,我知道我不是个好父亲。

    Look , I know I haven 't been the best father .

  21. 总有一天,你会成为一个好父亲的。

    And you will make a great father some day .

  22. 瞧真是个好父亲

    Look at that . That 's a good dad .

  23. 我知道我做不了一个好父亲。

    I know I couldn 't be the best father .

  24. 教你如何做一个男子汉.我从未下决心做一个好父亲.走吧…

    I was never meant to be a father . Go on .

  25. 比起丈夫我更是个好父亲

    I 'm a much better father than I was a husband .

  26. 这是我作为一个好父亲的责任。

    It 's my responsibility as a concerned father .

  27. 今天下午我学习了一些关于如何做一个好父亲的知识。

    I learned something about how to be a good father this afternoon .

  28. 为我们的孩子努力做一个好父亲

    and an even better dad to our baby .

  29. 你觉得他会成为一个好父亲?

    You think he 's gonna be a father ?

  30. 我听起来像一个好父亲吗?

    But did I sound like a good father ?