
nǚ jǐnɡ chá
  • policewoman ;policewomen;meter maid
  1. 他被判谋杀一名女警察的罪名成立。

    He was convicted of murdering a policewoman .

  2. 据NPR新闻的肖恩·卡伯里报道,一名女警察在另一起袭击中被暗杀。

    NPR 's Sean Carberry , reports a female police officer was assassinated in a separated attack .

  3. 小偷的跑步速度轻而易举地胜过了正在追赶他们的女警察。

    The thieves easily outran the policewoman who was chasing them .

  4. 她们打扮成两个女警察来参加化装舞会。

    They came to the fancy-dress party dressed as two policewomen .

  5. 女警察说她有事不得不回到车里去

    when the woman had to go move the police car .

  6. 她们不是女警察,她们是键盘操作员。

    They aren 't policewomen . They 're keyboard operators .

  7. 女警察把手放在阿兰的手臂上。

    The policewoman put her hand on Alan 's arm .

  8. 这位勇敢的女警察已经抓获了许多罪犯。

    A number of criminals have been caught by the brave policewoman .

  9. 女警察在小屋里发现了一个受惊的孩子。

    The policewoman found a frightened child in the hut .

  10. 他们的房子被盗后,一位女警察前来询问情况。

    A WPC came to interview them after their house had been burgled .

  11. 她非常忠于职守,一位卓越的女警察。

    She was strongly committed to her job , a policewoman by eminence .

  12. 那个女警察一言不发地走了过去。

    The policewoman walked by without saying a word .

  13. 济南第-批女警察是1959年开始值勤。

    The first batch of police-women went on duty in Jinan in 1959 .

  14. 傅小姐是一名女警察。她也是我们的邻居。

    Mr Fu is a policewoman . She 's our neighbour , too .

  15. 不,她不是。她是一位女警察。

    No , She isn 't.She 's a policewoman .

  16. 她非常忠于自己的工作,是名出色的女警察。

    She was strongly committed to her job , a policewoman par excellence .

  17. 这个男警察与那个女警察个子一样高。

    The policeman is as tall as the policewoman .

  18. 他们在和谁谈话?他们正和一位女警察交谈。

    Who are they talking to ? They 're talking to a policewoman .

  19. 塔利班声称对枪杀这名女警察承担责任。

    The Taliban claimed responsibility for shooting her .

  20. 就在那时,他们一名女警察正朝着那座房子走来。

    Just then , they found that a policewoman was walking toward the house .

  21. 到大连的游客通常都钦佩他们的女警察。

    Visitors to Dalian usually admire their policewomen .

  22. 注意了,站在这儿的是旧金山的首位女警察局长。

    Hey , the first female chief of police of San Francisco right here .

  23. 女警察充当一个临时母亲,照顾好这个被遗弃的婴孩。

    The policewoman took good care of the throwaway baby as a temporary mother .

  24. 一名女警察向直升飞机射击。

    A policewoman shot at the helicopter .

  25. 那个女警察是矮还是高?

    Is that policewoman short or tall ?

  26. 她们是女警察还是键盘操作员?

    Are they policewomen or keyboard operators ?

  27. 我的阿姨不是一个女警察。

    My aunt is not a policewoman .

  28. 女警察记下了他的个人资料。

    The policewoman wrote down his particulars .

  29. 她想当一名女警察。

    She wants to be a policewoman .

  30. 我打算当一名女警察以保证奥运会的安全。

    S5 : I 'm going to be a policewoman to keep the Olympic Games safe .