
Dr Young says women complain to her now about addiction to Facebook - or even to " FarmVille , " a game playable only within Facebook .
Just then a young woman walked in .
As one woman put it to a soldier who was trying to evacuate her for a second time ,
And I think it will be absolutely a nightmare if one day you are approached by a masculine lady .
Women have a basic evolutionary need to voice concerns about others to their peers , a new book has shown .
Police in Barcelona say they 've arrested a serial mugger who would target women , express remorse and then ask them to spit at him .
DEVANAMPATTINAM , India - The transformation of transgender women into goddesses for an annual Hindu festival takes place in an atmosphere of reverent , somber concentration .
A 20-year-old woman has filed a paternity lawsuit against Justin Bieber in San Diego , Calif. , claiming he is the father of her three-month old son .
Because I think when the book first came out , many people thought , well , this is a really important handbook for young women on their way up .
Each woman was asked to give a speech about her candidacy for a job to two interviewers in white laboratory coats , who listened with ' stone-faced ' expressions .
Promote the newly emerging service trades , encourage women to shift to high-level trades in the tertiary industry , and continuously improve the social security system to free women of their worries ;
A woman who came to me for psychotherapy related how a colleague who was also a friend denied she was having an affair with the boss despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary .
They challenge men in every realm , from the board room to the church .
In European cultures it is traditional for women to curtsey in front of royalty .
A handful of powerful and accomplished women let us in on their often surprising confidence boosters .
The prevalence of negative T waves was higher in women than in men in the most leads .
For this reason , women of childbearing age should talk to their healthcare professionals about other treatment options .
Women should talk to their healthcare professionals about the best kind of birth control to use while taking topiramate .
Objective To study the reference value of index commonly used in classifying different vertical facial growth pattern of females in Chongqing .
Women will talk to everyone , says Waite , But most men tend to rely on their wives as their main confidant .
Finally , the three factors of gender , class and race support Chinese feminism to step forward into the gender criticism stage in both theory and practice .
The study said working women reach out to their advisers for some out-of-the-box advice : from support on personal-health issues to family disputes , life coaching and other personal matters , the study said .
The study said working women reach out to their advisers for some " out-of-the-box " advice : from support on personal-health issues to family disputes , life coaching and other personal matters , the study said .
Just over half of women ( 52 per cent ) would meet a partner to say the relationship is over , while fewer than half of men ( 43 per cent ) would break the news in person 。
When asked to describe themselves to Zamora , viewers can hear the women saying things like ' I kind of have a fat , rounder face ' and ' I would say I have a pretty big forehead . '
There is another reason backless dresses have been ubiquitous this year : the women wearing them want you to know they have been doing Pilates , and have developed that perfect , signature V-shape .
Female images that are shaped and presented by media have flooded into us .
Yet men are less likely than women to seek help from their GP or a counsellor , the results suggested .
This paper discusses the reason why the female victims change to the inverters , and proposes measures to prevent the female victims change to the inverters .
A new trans-discipline research referred to as Women and Mass communication or Feminist Media Studies came into being with feminism permeating through all the social studies .